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Uploaded on Feb 14, 2024, 7:07:07 PM by PrinceCast . Player adding portrait to draft.

Cast Retool #pd4249

100 / 100
Character data
Date addedFeb 14, 2024, 7:04:20 PM
Date last editedFeb 16, 2024, 9:31:30 AM
Owner PrinceCast
Designer URL

Character Full Name: Prince Cast Retool

Character Age: 25

Character Species: Human

Hair color: Blackish-blue

Eye color: Black


Brief biography: Little Retool was a picture-perfect child; tender and mild, straight A’s, no real trauma. He had just one problem; while all the other kids knew what they wanted to be when they grew up, he just drew a blank. Nothing really lit his spark, so he was up for anything, anything that would fit his mold. And so, everyone called him “Cast," like casting iron, and it just stuck. 

One day, Princess Edith of the Phoenix Kingdom ran from her hot-blooded populace and an arranged marriage to Printilia for a moment's peace. Cast met and had a great time with her until she was kidnapped by Axrus-San, the God of War. He was using her to initiate an endless war that would destroy mankind, and his nemesis Loonarin-San, the God of Moons, with it. Fortunately, Cast was the man chosen by Loon to defeat Axrus and save the world. To reach Axrus, he had to defeat the Time-Doers, personifications of the Seven Deadly Sins, who were tasked by Axrus to exploit Cast’s home island to promote the war, as well as free the seven mages who founded Printilia sealed from their Artifacts scattered across the island, the latter of which would use their elemental powers to build a rocket taking him to the realm of the gods to face Axrus.

But he didn't do it alone. Being such a good person, Cast found it easy to make friends with even the sourest of souls, including his current best friend, Bolt. Each friend he made had a special ability that served to aid in exploring Printilia in their own way, whether it was blowing up cracked obstacles or revealing hidden objects. Plus, Edith found a way to communicate with and help Cast from Axrus's stronghold, and they fell in love. Together, Cast and his team defeated the Time-Doers and freed the mages. As promised, they built the rocket, and Cast blasted off into the cosmic entity realm. Though he lost all his partners, Cast found the resolve and courage to gain them back, and they immediately went for the princess, leading to their first kiss, which game him the ability to unlock his Loon-given power, the Kugelblitz, which transformed him into a god of equal power to Axrus. 

With the powers of love, friendship, wishes and finding your best self, Cast fullfilled his destiny and destroyed Axrus-San. The team returned to earth, and Cast willing gave up his godhood, turning mortal. Loonarin-San asked him why he didn't want to join the pantheon, to which Cast replied that even an immortal life without any of his friends, especially Bolt and Edith, would be empty, which Loon appreciates. 

Since then, Cast, Bolt and Edith have been a power trio, taking the call to every help they can. But at some point, oh, what a drag! Prince Cast is suddenly on his own again! Lost in the PaperVerse, Cast is determined to get help from any able adventurers, preferebly unique versions of monsters with their own personalities and abilities, he can to rescue his true companions!


Description: Cast has a moderate build. Not stringy-beany in anyway, but not with too much muscle either. He has a peculiar pair of bangs, like a heart split clean in half. From the back of his head, his hair follows the curve, then right at the top it goes straight, and then it angles upward to the bangs. Both his mechanic and prince suits are comprised of various shades of blue, especially primary. His mechanic's boots are a bit like a rubbberhose cartoon character's in shape, but his princely boots are much more classy and proud.


  • 5
    Ability Points
  • 1
  • Protector Talisman Ability

NOTE: Only the first 100 items are loaded on this page.


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