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Uploaded on Mar 9, 2024, 12:07:44 AM by ArkillianDragon .

Sebastian B. Runewill #pd4430

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Character data
Date addedMar 4, 2024, 10:25:19 PM
Date last editedMay 29, 2024, 7:18:58 PM
Owner ArtBeedle
Designer URL


Name: Sebastian Brinly Runewill-Besharith 

Nicknames: Bastion

Age: 369

Birthday: May 26

Species: Elven vampire 

Hair color: Ashy blond

Eye color: Crimson red 

Height: 6'9ft/205.74cm

Personality: Aloof, distant, brooding, easy to fluster, internally self-conscious of his lineage, externally a snob, dramatic, polite when he wants to be, generally rude, quick to anger

Hobbies: Reading, fencing, hunting, bird watching 

Identity: Panromantic + cis He/Him

Relationships: Genevieve (pet/familiar) 


Mini bio: Sebastian is the third son of the famed Runewill estate, though not for houses madam. He's the illegitimate child of the Earl and a lounge singer and not looked at fondly by the rest of the house, save for his older half-siblings who only took pity on the boy. The Earl himself didn't treat Sebastian kindly, blaming him for putting a strain on his marriage to the countess and business associates. The only support he had as a young child was his mother, who was only allowed to visit once a month to save face for her career and to not anger the Countess with her presence in the estate. It was a rare joy, but not for long as his mother passed when he was 12 from lingering complications from having him. 


When Sebastian was 18, his half-sister Adelaide was married off to another house as part of a business deal. She was one of the kindest to him. Much kinder than his older half-brother, Bernard. At first, he was polite and would play with Sebastian, though once he learned of his origin he turned against the young boy. Anything Sebastian had or shown interest in was taken and destroyed by Bernard. Not even the servants treated him well since there wouldn't be any repercussions from the Earl and Countess.


Sebastian was mentally broken from the lack of affection from anyone after his late mother and Adelaide left so he turned to books, often reading for hours in the manor's library. He took up small hobbies like sewing, fencing, and learning good societal etiquette from books. He also learned of more sinister things. Demons, Volettlings, ghouls, and creatures of the night, also known as vampires. He was fascinated by the dark creatures but kept it to himself. 


As Sebastian grew older he watched from the sidelines as his family worked and traded with other rich estates, and during events where he was largely ignored in favor of Bernard's accomplishments. At these events, however, he met the Duke of Alvah. Unlike most of the other upper-class socialites, would talk with him and bothered to learn more of his interests. At each event his father hosted, he would meet up with the Duke and learn more about some of the gossip of the other society members. The people who put on a perfect act in front of the others were no better than his perceived slights yet.. they treated him so poorly for his origin, something he didn't have any control over. It made him mad. The Duke took notice, and let him in on a secret, he was a Vampire and when the time came, he would be willing to turn the false Earl. 


Sebastian understood. 


One night a house fire struck the manor, wiping out everything in its blazing path. The Earl and Countess were lost to the flames, Bernard missing, servants were left shaken up, and Sebastian was nowhere to be found. Ripples of grief made waves in high society. 


After weeks, however, to everyone's bewildered shock Sebastian returned, but different. Something about him was Off. As if nothing happened, he restored the estate, hired new help, and took over his father's business. With the Earl dead, Sebastian took the title, becoming Earl Sebastian Runewill.


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Dialog examples:

"What are you doing? I don't think I requested an audience in my quarters. Be gone with you."

"Tsk, don't touch the books, please. You'll sully them with your filthy hands."

"Hello Geni, where have you been hm? I better not find a mouse on my bed again." 

  • 51
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