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You work so hard to gain an inch and have a foot pulled away from you.

  1. Posted on Sep 18, 2016, 6:24:07 AM UTC
    ID: 28683 | #1
    Level 9

    This is more of a complaint than a questions, though any advice is welcome. 

    The past month, this month to be exact has been stressful even before it started. We found out at the end of August that we have to move, however Management A (the old management, who were fire after the place was sold once again) never game Mom a time frame even though she kept asking as so she signed another Lease that is saving us to an extent. This trailer park I live in has become a Rent to Own. There was another water leak under the kitchen sink and Mom went into the office to tell them about and things hit the fan. Management A told Management B (the new management that is also a Class A Bi..h) that I was sabotaging the plumbing because I wanted to look at the guy they sent over to fix it. He even told them that he was over at our trailer every week working on the plumbing. 

    Right. And I am the Queen of England. 

    Also Management B said that the reason we have so many issues with the trailer we live is has everything to do with our 'House Keeping'.

    So the leaking over the front door every time it rains (that is also draining down the inside of the wall), the floor slowly rooting away under the living room carpet, the  support beans under my tub root ting away, the foundation of the trailer slowly shifting has everything to do with our 'House Keeping' and nothing to do with the fact this place is slowly falling apart due to age. 

    There is also the added threat of Management B trying to figure out a way to Illegal Evict us under the presidents of Legal Eviction. I woke up with a head ache the other day, I felt it in my sleep like some one had taken a sledge hammer to me head.

    I am stressed enough as it is not have to deal with this. I have been packing things up and weeding out junk (since we moved a storage unit into the living room a few years back to save money) and I am finishing out sorting the boxes that are in the shed tomorrow.  I can deal with all this. 

    The issue now is trying to find a place to go that is not in town or too far out from town. And it has to be a place that except animals. Mom is already talking about getting rid of two of them and I am sitting here trying to get money for a camper trailer of an RV so I have a place to live because I am not giving up any of my pets. I will live in my car if I have too. 

    I would give up the fish if need be, but would have to be to a good home. I sort of wish they would die before we have to move. I know that is morbid but these fish where breed and raised in my tanks.  

    There are others out there in worse situations then me. I live with my mother, who literally supports me because I can't get a job. I cannot get a break. I have student Loans, I have to pay the school back and what little money I happen to come across I can't put toward paying either one of those things off.   

  2. Posted on Sep 21, 2016, 11:43:12 AM UTC
    ID: 28684 | #2
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    I'm sorry to hear that, hon. I wish I could suggest something, but I'm not aware of the rights that you have in USA. I hope that you can get justice for your situation soon, but it sounds like you and your mother should get out of there if they're making your life a nightmare! D: I can't imagine that you can be treated this way and not have some sort of leg to stand on legally if they have none and are bullying you. I hope you find a way :(

  3. Posted on Sep 21, 2016, 6:22:53 PM UTC
    ID: 28685 | #3
    Level 9

    She has yet to start harassing us. Though if she dose I am friends with a Paralegal who can do law in Texas and she can advise me if need be. 

    Just taking one day at a time and cleaning, trashing and packing as much as I can. 

  4. Posted on Sep 23, 2016, 5:02:41 AM UTC
    ID: 28686 | #4
    Level 281 ADMIN
    I dont know how things are in Texas but in California there are a lot of trailer parks and many are owned by the same owners who think they can do whatever they want. My mom lives in a nice trailer park and has had all sorts of problems with the management. Sounds like a big ass headache. Im sorry to hear you're going through that. How come you aren't able to work? Health issues?
  5. Posted on Sep 23, 2016, 10:12:19 PM UTC
    ID: 28687 | #5
    Level 9

    The company that bought my trailer park is out of California. -waves tiny flag- yay! 

    It not that I am not able to work it that no one is willing to give my a shoot. I have had three jobs in 9 years with huge gaps between them and all under a year. And I have even applied at places that will hire any one and cannot get in. 

    I do try to get commission but I do mostly traditional stuff, my camera sucks and depression dose not help. There is some one that will hire me, I just need a camper to park on their land so I have a place to live since they don't have any free rooms. They only things I have that I get paid for is doing book reviews but that is like maybe $5 a month. I will also go tail gate at a flea market when I have the money to pay the fee, which is only $20 for two days and I am lucky to make back just part of that. 


  6. Posted on Oct 13, 2017, 10:25:47 PM UTC
    ID: 28913 | #6
    Level 9

    Just updating on the situation. 
    The Woman who said we had to move was fired for being Unprofessional (in a relationship with one of the handy men) and the new lady that took over as Manager said we didn't have to move. Which was a huge relief for the both of us. Just dealing with the trail bits of "stuff" we have. We have too much stuff. 

    I have been offered a job with a woman I worked with at my local Ren Fair, the one draw back to that is that I need some help from my Dad and that is a festering can of worms I really don't want to get into right now until I am over this last bought to talking with him. 

  7. Posted on Dec 14, 2017, 11:14:59 PM UTC
    ID: 28941 | #8
    Level 9

    Sorry for the late reply.  The job is working on a Private Horse Ranch around Austin. TX.  My title is Stable Hand, but I get to ride any of the horses for free. The owner is gone to teach me how to give riding lessons, teach me how to haul. It will be hard work but I have wanted to work with horses all my life and I am willing to throw my degree out the window to do so. 

    I was dealing with getting a better vehicle that can make the drive since my Honda is not up for the job. He an old man, but I am keeping him and gone to restore him as much as I can since finding parts is like looking for Bigfoot.

    So I was able to get another vehicle and right now waiting on all the paper work to have the thing put in my name (my Dad go it for me and it in his name right now) and getting all fixed on it what need be. So hopefully after the first of the year I will be making the trip down.  So I have gone from a 1986 Honda Accord LXi to a 2004 Honda Acura MDX.

    I am taking my big dog, but I have to leave my little dog and cats behind. (the cats cannot go due to her bird that is a Service Animal)  Except for one of the kittens I have. One is going with me to live out there as a barn cat. 

    Right now I am going for a trial period, but if I do stay I will getting a camper trailer so I can have my cats with me.

    For those interested this is who I will be working for. ->

    This is the short version. 

  8. Posted on Dec 15, 2017, 4:30:13 PM UTC
    ID: 28942 | #9
    Level 281 ADMIN

    Good luck with it! I hope it works out and you enjoy it. Also congrats on the new car!


    Fun fact, I've never ridden a horse before. 

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