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Green Latern

  1. Posted on Jun 18, 2011, 3:23:57 PM UTC
    ID: 25991 | #1
    Level 21

    Green Latern

    Though it is not the Hal Jordan From the comic. Ryan does as always (exemption of Deadpool) make a likeable character. The story is decent but rushed. The affect are good. The Alien GL's are awsome. The acting by the most is really good. Fact is the there are so many GL's from earth, Ryans could have just been another one. Least they could have done is made him start to get gray hair by the end of the movie.

    I'll give this. A full price.

    Mind you its not something that is gonna break records. If you want to see a movie and there isn't much out there to choose from, you could do worse. I was entertained. I was expecting crap. Glad it wasn't.

    Mind you I'm a big GL Fan. one of the few out there.

  2. Posted on Jun 20, 2011, 12:57:45 AM UTC
    ID: 25994 | #2
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    I'm not sure if I should see it. I'm a huge GL fan too. You don't seem very excited about the movie- I'm not sure if that's a bad thing or a 'meh' thing :( See, I'm not too much of a fan of Hal Jordan in the first place. I don't know if I want to see a medorce movie of a GL I don't like :(

  3. Posted on Jun 29, 2011, 12:57:42 AM UTC
    ID: 26023 | #3
    Level 1

    If it's not Hal Jordan, who the heck is Ryan Reynolds then? He even looks kinda like Hal Jordan with the brown hair. is it Kyle Rayner? (but he has black hair!)


    I have a hunch of who made the new costume,'s kinda annoying looking. Why couldn't they make the costume exact, like they did with Superman and Flash? 


    Not really gonna see this one but... i'm not that much of a GL fan either.

    Last edited by qwertyjpc on Jun 29, 2011, 1:00:33 AM UTC. 1 total edits.

  4. Posted on Jun 29, 2011, 1:54:09 AM UTC
    ID: 26024 | #4
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    On Jun 28, 2011 5:57 pm, qwertyjpc said:

    if it's not Hal Jordan, who the heck is Ryan Reynolds then? He even looks kinda like Hal Jordan with the brown hair. is it Kyle Rayner? (but he has black hair!)


    Lol- It's Hal Jordan :) It's his current timeline back story that has been played out so many times I can't remember. Kyle had a crack jack box back story where Ganthet was all "You'll do", then it was a whole series of ego bashings for him from there on cause 'he wasn't Hal Jordan' >.> *grumbles* Kyle did so much with his ring. I wish they'd accept him as no longer being a rookie finally T.T </rant>

  5. Posted on Jun 30, 2011, 5:16:53 AM UTC
    ID: 26028 | #5
    Level 21

    Personally I like Hal Jordan best of all GLs. Ryans is nothing like the Hal Jordan I grew up with. Hal took his job seriously, something Ryan doesn't do very well. . Kyle did more, as a GL? I think Kyle was more like a weak attempt to modernaize GL. They could have done a lot more and a lot better with him. If you want a GL with Personality then I'd say you have to go with Guy.

    As far as the movie they nailed Sinestro. Can't wait til the sequal when they do more with him. Ryan's Hal jordan? that kinda lacks. its Like they tried to mix Kyle and Hal in one. Used Hal's name and gave him Kyle's attitude of haveing fun with the ring.

    If you thought any of the X-man movies were worth watching then you'd like Green Lantern.

    But if you thought X-men was a joke because no one that worked on those movies ever picked up an X-men comic, then you are in luck cause the people that made GL at least tried to stay in the story line.

  6. Posted on Jun 30, 2011, 10:45:59 AM UTC
    ID: 26033 | #6
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    Well, Kyle works with that personality cause he is (was) a comic artist and it was part of his lively imagination. Hal never had imagination- he had bravery.  If the movie GL just messed around with the ring and acted an idiot then that's not Hal. Hal was all 'I don't need to right to fly'- infact he use to leave it behind off memory so it wouldn't get in the way.

    Uh... I hate it when the scripters just don't get it. If they wanted a modern GL they should write Kyle a decent plot line. It's not hard. It has been done before. There are ways of writing a responsible Kyle that can still have fun and get the job done. If they want goofy, then he was the option. Hal is a friggin test pilot. They needed the guy that played Sam Flynn to do Hal. He SO played that part with Sam. Sam is Hal Jordan in the wrong universe (Actually, Tron feels similar in other ways O.o )

    It's a shame really. Donno if I want to watch it now. I don't want to ruin my already low opinion of the movie :(

  7. Posted on Jul 6, 2011, 3:43:19 AM UTC
    ID: 26042 | #7
    Level 21

    Its not a Epic movie but its a good movie. Is it the Hal Jordan from the comics, NO! But is its a good version of a GL, Yes. I take it like this.

    I'm a big Hal Jordan Fan, and I liked the movie.

    The ring works off of Will Power not Imagination. Thou imagination makes for better ring affects.I think they should have went with Jack Black as Guy, I think they were pushing that for a while.

    For Hal Jordan I would have went for with Nathan Fillion (firefly) He's older, more believable as a test pilot. He's got more of the presence a guy thats got some wisdom yet he's still funny.


    Next Movie To Captain America. Marvel has gottn Hulk and Iron man right , But thats only 2 of how many marvel films.

  8. Posted on Jul 6, 2011, 3:52:36 AM UTC
    ID: 26043 | #8
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    On Jul 5, 2011 8:43 pm, WildeKarde said:

    .I think they should have went with Jack Black as Guy, I think they were pushing that for a while.


    No- I'm pretty sure that was Jack Black as KYLE. He'd make a better Guy, but frankly, Jack Black makes a better Lobo. They both have the rockstar appeal. He'd be perfect for the part if it were possible to pull off Lobo at all.

    And OMG YOU ARE SO RIGHT! He's perfect. 100% Hal Jordan right there! Nathan Fillion would be perfect! Why didn't they cast someone awesome like him? Probably cause he's too old T.T Hal started off a hot shot in his 20s. Nathan is in his 40s now. It's such a shame T.T

  9. Posted on Jul 8, 2011, 11:50:44 PM UTC
    ID: 26049 | #9
    Level 21

    Somewhere along the line lobo turned into a joke. Can't take him serrious. He started off as a Homicidal maniac with a nobel side he denied.  On the lines of Riddick. The guy who's not afraid to do the wrong things for the right reasons. Now he's a hooligan with a flying bike.

    Nathan I think be perfect cause the Hal Jordan everyone really knows is the one with the gray hair. He should be a bit older.

    Movie I'm dreading is Superman:reboot. How mant times can they rehash his origins. If they were smart they'd take it where Smallville left off. I love Smallville's take on Lex, he's not completely evil he borders on being nobel. He just act's out because he feels betrayed by those he cares most for.

  10. Posted on Jul 9, 2011, 2:39:17 AM UTC
    ID: 26050 | #10
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    But they already did a Superman and it was shit. I'm into B grade movies, but I fell asleep watching this movie. 

    I think DC needs to stop rehashing and realise that everyone knows the friggen characters. Do somethign original.

    I donno- I think the fanboys remember his with the white, but DC waant to reboot him young again. I mean, where does the newer DCU feature around Hal? Are they still kids around him? Or did he get young again? I don't get this O.o

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