PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1315 Members

Post 1653 - Profile page updated

  1. Posted on Jun 28, 2005, 6:43:03 AM UTC
    ID: 1653
    A week ago or whenever it was, after I added the instant messaging fields to the database and updated the profile pages to show those, I deleted but never replaced the links to peoples artwork, writing, and multimedia. Those links are now available again. Sorry about that. Oh I still need to make those changes to the Red Curtain though. >.< Someone remind me to do that later.
    I haven't been able to make as many improvements to the site lately due to the work I've been doing recently for a startup comic company called High Five Comics. Check out their website:

    The first comic from High Five Comics is a web comic called "Captain Rad." Just the cover of that has been released so far but you can check it out here:

    Much of both sites is still under construction but be sure to check it out. It's got a forum just like mine too. The site isn't yet open for signing up yet though but it will be soon.

    Last edited by BogusRed on Jun 28, 2005, 6:43:53 AM UTC. 1 total edits.