PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 23501 - Inuyasha on Robot Chicken

  1. Posted on Feb 2, 2009, 5:05:21 AM UTC
    ID: 23501

    I just saw the parody sketch of a father pretending he's Inuyasha on Robot Chicken. My George Carlin it was awful First off they made the TV Inuyasha act like 1960s/1970sSpeed Racer characters When are people ever going to learn that all anime characters don't act like that Second, the father suddenly became obssessed with Inuyasha I'm all for parents taking an interest of their children but they don't have to like everything they like. You know why most trends no longer becomes popular? Because parents starts to like them. Third, it was getting really sad when the father started dressing like Inuyasha. Perhaps there's should be an age limit for cosplaying or at least have people match up what kind of character they should be. And finally, this has to be most disturbing, when the father was having sex with his wife, off camera of course, and he mader her call  him Inuyasha. I ended up feeling sorry for that poor little girl who had to endure all of that.

    Because of this horrendous stetch I could never love Inuyasha ever again

    There's only thing we must do. We must find Seth Green, actor and producer of Robot Chicken, and PUNISH HIM:mad: