PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 23818 - Women peeing standing up?!

  1. Posted on Feb 24, 2009, 3:18:02 AM UTC
    ID: 23818

    I saw that on "The Dish" on Style Network once but to be honest. I don't think I like the idea of peeing standing up. First off, the urine runs down  your leg even if you had that thing on. Second, I preffered peeing sitting down. At least I enjoy the sitting down part. Takes the load off my feet while I release a load in the toilet. And that another thing, if I need to pee standing up, what about the pooing part. Should I sit down for that or shove a tube up my @$$.

    If people are going to invent something that will make you go when you are on a go, why not a collapsable toilet that you can easy fold it up and take it anywhere you go.

    In the mean time, I'll hold mine in until I can find a restroom, I may not like them but at least they're indoors and have a sink so that I can wash my hands after wards.