PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 26002 - Manage Submissions suggestion

  1. Posted on Jun 24, 2011, 3:31:37 PM UTC
    ID: 26002

    Thanks for following up on this post.

    Just a couple weeks after this thread started, my life changed. My dad was diagnosed with Frontal Lobe Dementia and I had to take a couple months off of work to care for him, get him situated in assisted living, clear out his house to sell it, get his finances back in order, work with a lawyer to get him conserved. This whole process took over a year and consumed all of my free time outside of work. The final court papers were just signed by the judge last week. My involvement with my dad's affairs ended late last year once he got a paid conservator approved by the court, but since then I've been planning my wedding. So the last year and a half I haven't been able to spend any time on PaperDemon.

    But I'm getting married in less than a month and then after that's over I can get back to working on PaperDemon!

    Here's a forum thread about it from 2009. Here's my announcement of hiatus for the next month.

    Thank you so much for your patience on this. I will let you know when the new version is ready so you can test it out before others do.