PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1310 Members

Post 29545 - July Developer updates

  1. Posted on Jul 20, 2020, 9:18:30 PM UTC
    ID: 29545

    Every 1-3 months I give an update. This includes changes since our last developer update post.

    We've had several releases since the last update: v5.1.0, v5.2.0, v5.2.1, v5.3.0, v5.4.0, v6.0.1, v7.0.0, v8.0.0, v8.0.1, v9.0.0 (most recent)

    ⭐ Notifications

    I've introduced some improvements to our notifications system. I had to build a brand new notification/message center because we're planning to start introducing automated game related notifications for ARPG players such as AP counts, gold added to your banks, etc later down the line and it made sense to go forward with this transition now. I'm also consolidating the code that powers our comments system.

    As a result of these changes, all art and blog comment notifications now appear in a new message center, while writing and comic comment notifications are still appearing in the old interface. This is temporary until we get everything migrated. By end of the year we'll be able to have everything in one place.

    But for now, you'll be living between two different pages to manage these comment notifications. Thanks for bearing with us through this.

    We also have improved the user menu interface on to show you your notification count along with the relevant clicky clicky links to get you to your notifications more efficiently.

    Blog Comments

    Blog comments were just re-launched today! They function just like art comments.


    [user 123] (without spaces) and @ username without spaces now work in art descriptions, blog posts, and art/blog comments. Support for [thumb 123] (without spaces) will be added in the coming weeks. It does not send the person a notification (yet). But that feature will get added eventually.

    πŸ‘— Design and Rebrand

    We introduced a new footer with are lovely new logo back in late May. I hope you enjoy the change. This harkens back to older versions of our site where we used to have a mascot present in the header or footer. I'm glad to bring back this little touch of fantasy.

    And the logo itself is hand lettered and inspired by celtic knots and old storybook titles.

    We also added better looking social icons.

    What's coming

    The what's coming is still much of what was listed in the last update in the What's coming section. Major upgrades to art, writing, comics are underway. I'm mostly dealing with lots of behind the scenes stuff to make this migration happen.

    Thanks for reading and see you in the next update!

    πŸ“ Change log

    As you can see by the list below, I've been coding like crazy and fixing lots of bugs...


    πŸ”¨ refactor (pm) verify recipients

    πŸ”¨ refactor (pm) methods to send messages

    πŸ‘— ui (forums) make the forum input box easier to use on mobile

    πŸ”¨ refactor (pm) models and services

    πŸ‘— ui (art) favorite and follow button changes

    ⭐ feat (tags) strip # in tag names

    πŸ‘— ui (blogs) add edit buttons

    πŸ‘— ui (filters) make checked state clearer

    πŸ› fix (character) orphaned characters

    ⭐ feat (comments) gain xp for up to 25 comments per day

    ⭐ feat (comments) support [user] and username in comments

    ⭐ feat (blogs) support [user] and username in blog posts

    ⭐ feat (art) support [user] and username in art descriptions

    🍱 assets (news) easier access to arpg content

    πŸ‘— ui (notifications) clarify delete button text

    πŸ› fix (notifications) avatar images in email notices

    ⭐ feat (comments) permalinks

    ⭐ feat (blogs) show total comments

    πŸ”¨ refactor (blogs) move comments to universal comments

    πŸ› fix (notifications) add missing cron scripts to send email notifica…

    πŸ‘— ui (subscriptions) make it clearer online vs email notices

    🍱 assets (profile) link to community interaction form

    πŸ”¨ refactor (art) add universal id

    πŸ› fix (notifications) fix art url for red curtain art comments

    ⭐ feat (notifications) add pagination

    ⭐ feat (notifications) script to migrate old art comment notices

    ⭐ feat (comments) add universal comments in legacy header

    πŸ”¨ refactor (comments) remove submission specific code from comments

    ⭐ feature (notifications) show total notifications in upper right

    🐝 chore (app) ignore debug file

    ⭐ feat (notifications) reply to comments

    πŸ”¨ refactor (comments) merge new comment components

    ⭐ feat (notifications) comments in new notificiation center

    ⭐ feat (notifications) email notice scripts

    ⭐ feat (notifications) utilities for emailing notices

    πŸ”¨ refactor (notifications) send comments to new notifications

    πŸ”¨ refactor (comments,notifications) shared constant for type

    πŸ”¨ refactor (comments) legacy code updates for table changes

    πŸ”¨ refactor (comments) genericize comment moderation api

    πŸ”¨ refactor (comments) genericize json api interface

    πŸ”¨ refactor (comments) art comments to universal comments

    πŸ”¨ refactor (notifications) use json mysql type

    πŸ”₯ prune (user) legacy migration scripts

    πŸ“ docs (app) correct app startup

    πŸ› fix (comments) cloud storage migration correction

    ⭐ feat (flags) paperdemon arpg queues

    πŸ”¨ refactor (comments) remove exceptions, attachments

    πŸ”¨ refactor (comments) use new comments api instead of old one

    ⭐ feat (comments) add api to moderate comments

    πŸ”¨ refactor (comments) move components and services

    πŸ”₯ prune (comments) remove abstract comment model

    πŸ”¨ refactor (comments) move art comments to comments folder

    πŸ”¨ refactor (comments) move attachments to the cloud (#527)

    πŸ”¨ refactor (comments) store attachment image urls (#526)

    πŸ› fix (forums) jr mods can't see mod controls

    πŸ› fix (art) filters not working

    πŸ‘½ compat (app) Angular, RXJS upgrades

    πŸ› fix (art) filters not working

    πŸ› fix (legacy-art) broken images footer roulette

    πŸ› fix (legacy-app) template rendering bug

    πŸ› fix (art) record hit when art viewed

    πŸ‘— ui (flags) reconfigure dracostryx queue list (#516)

    πŸ› fix (blogs) pagination

    πŸ› fix (framework) multiple emoticons in a message

    πŸ› fix (profile) support period in instagram handles

    πŸ‘— ui (submissions) make manage buttons visible always

    πŸ‘— ui (blogs) reduce confusion around first blog post and multi blogs

    πŸ› fix (flags) primary artist missing from recipient list

    πŸ› fix (news) fix home redirect

    🍱 assets (art) file size message

    🍱 assets (error pages) update 503

    πŸ‘— ui (flags) misc usability improvements for ARPG mods

    πŸ”¨ refactor (users) increase capacity for user ids and submission ids

    πŸ”₯ prune (ads) delete ads component

    πŸ”₯ prune (art) remove oekaki front end

    πŸ”₯ prune (php) misc test files

    πŸ”₯ prune (portal) backend portal files

    πŸ”₯ prune (pages) front end and backend

    πŸ‘— ui (blog) headings format in body of post

    πŸ‘— ui (flags) remove level 2 requirement for arpg queue

    πŸ‘— ui (account) style login error

    πŸ› fix (art) user info missing for commenters

    πŸ‡ perf (app) remove charts api

    πŸ‘— ui (homepage) add social meta info and image

    Art attachment