PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1315 Members

Post 29892 - ALPHA TEST - ARPG Battle: Swamp Beast

  1. Posted on Aug 22, 2020, 4:03:04 PM UTC
    ID: 29892


    The beast shudders. A low groan drags out of its mouth and the trees seem to groan with it.

    The surface of the swamp barely stirs as the creature slides beneath the water. Clumps of moss drift across the murky water. Branches and leaves jut upwards across the battlefield like bare, shattered ribs. You stand half submerged in the swamp, battered, bruised and exhausted. 

    But triumphant.


    Great work everyone! We were absolutely blown away by the response to this alpha test. We really appreciate the time and effort you all put into this. An extra special thank you to those of you who submitted art entries-- we loved seeing your creative engagement in this project!


    We'll be getting back to you all shortly with feedback requests and information about your gold reward, so stay tuned!


    Have a great weekend, and we look forward to seeing more of your amazing characters in the future!