PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1304 Members

Post 45808 - Hello World(s)!

  1. Posted on Nov 25, 2023, 10:41:43 PM UTC
    ID: 45808

    Hey everyone! 


    I saw an ad for this place on chickensmoothie and as a person who loves to create characters but cannot for the life of herself write a coherent plot or story for them this sounded like something right up my alley! So i decided to give it a try--it looks really interesting!


    With that, I do have some questions if anyone can possibly offer tips or advice. I added an existing character of mine on here but since it seems like they introduce their own plot elements i was wondering if it would be better to instead make a new character that better fits into this world?

    With that, they mention the PaperDemon species, but my (admittedly superficial) attempts to figure out what exactly a Paper Demon is have not been successful. could anyone point me to maybe a page that explains the species or something? 

    Thanks ahead of time, and i look forward to getting to know the community!