PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1303 Members

Post 46722 - Roleplay Guidelines UPDATED for 2024

  1. Posted on Mar 3, 2024, 7:57:00 AM UTC
    ID: 46722

    Roleplay Guidelines

    1. Let other RPers know when your character enters or leaves the scene. Please leave the scene if you're going to be away from keyboard and unable to respond to further roleplaying for more than a few hours.
    2. Coordinate who you want to role play with in the Role Playing OOC forum . You can also use this channel for talking out of character.
    3. Start a topic in this ⁠Role Playing forum for each RP session/topic and use naming conventions as detailed below for your thread.
    4. We suggest not going over 5 characters per RP session to avoid confusion
    5. Respect other players role playing boundaries (see their reaction roles that begin with RP to see what type of RPing they're ok with). If you plan to RP heavy topics including politics, religion, trauma, please check with your RP partners first before beginning to RP.


    RP Thread Naming Convention

    To start a role play session, create a new topic. Name it starting with "open" or "closed" to indicate whether you're open to having other players and characters join. If closed, indicate the characters permitted.

    [OPEN/CLOSED] [subject] ([characters if closed])


    • CLOSED Magic Training (Merry, Kiri)
    • OPEN Boss Battle Vampire Investigation


    More Info

    The characters you RP do not have to be registered in PDARPG

    Last edited by BogusRed on Mar 3, 2024, 7:58:13 AM UTC. 1 total edits.