PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1302 Members

Post 46875 - Character Creator

  1. Posted on Mar 12, 2024, 7:50:49 AM UTC
    ID: 46875

    Since I have been uploading characters for days ('cause my brain wants everyone to be here before I properly start hhh) there's really just two things I would like to change - One has already been mentioned, being the auto-approval.

    Another one (and I don't really know if there's a specific reason that's not allowed?), but maybe offer the option of uploading commissioned art as a profile picture?

    Like, obviously you should credit and have the rights to use the art (maybe one has to tick a little box for this?) but I'd personally say this differs from dolls/bases etc. since you specifically paid for it yourself and it'd be really neat! :^

    EDIT: It has been pointed out to me, that it is, in fact possible to submit characters with commissioned/adopt/off-site profile-art. From first view this seems like a very inconvenient process to me personally, tho... So, my point still stands (partially) - it'd be really neat if you could just tick a box and include a link to the artist during the character creation, so one can concentrate on drawing prompts and challenges right away, instead of first redrawing profile pictures or having to jump through some extra hoops to get their characters online


    Other than that, I had no issues with the process of uploading my characters so far ♥
    (Sorry for spamming y'all with them tho lol)

    ((My OCD would also love if it'd be possible to change the element "for free" at least once HHH))


    Last edited by Peach-Coke on Mar 12, 2024, 4:21:13 PM UTC. 4 total edits.