PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 6562 - Attn Artists! You may now upload PNGs

  1. Posted on Jan 6, 2006, 7:34:17 AM UTC
    ID: 6562
    Nonono- My brother explained PNG to me. It has a special algerithm for compressing files by finding patterns in the coding and giving a patern of codes a code to shorten or something like that. Cause of this, it doesn't become blurry like JPG, but is smaller that gif format. As for it being larger than JPG, htis is only because the algerithm for PNG isn't specific for a photo type picture cause of the mass colour they have. JPG basically takes colours the eyes don't pic up on easily and copresses that heaps and does little compression on the colours the eye sees well- this is only realy noticable on digetal art- photos aren't a problem, or pencil type drawings. My old cgis were ruined by JPG format though cause red is a colour the eye doesn't pic up on well, and compresses it to doomyness- This bleeds the red horribly. Blue also to an extent. This kind of stuff isn't too noticable without defined edges though.