PaperDemon Art RPG

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  1. Posted on Feb 22, 2017, 1:02:02 AM UTC
    ID: 28769 | #1
    Level 2

    I found this site first in someone's journal... I had made my first account which I never received the activation code for but that's ok :D This one is cooler anyways! I couldn't pm the owners of the site because I couldn't log in without the activation code so this account had to be made. Just putting that out there. In other words *clears throat* HIYA! I'm Kazan! 

  2. Posted on Feb 23, 2017, 12:42:31 AM UTC
    ID: 28771 | #3
    Level 2

    Hiya, Firiel! It's so nice to meet you as well! I also enjoy pretty much anything fantasy related! It is such a nice break from reality, ya know! When you can just sit back, ignoring the daily troubles reality has to offer and just sprout wings and fly through the air in your own made up world within your imagination! That's the best thing ever! I also enjoy Pokemon and a few other animes such as Inuyasha, Full Moon Wo Sagashite, Wakfu, (I seriously freaking looove Wakfu! AHHHHH, CAN'T WAIT FOR SEASON 3!! :D :D) Megaman.EXE, and the .hack// lineage! I'm also mega into online free webcomics as well as cartoons (I could literally send billboards of cartoon shows I enjoy), I find them so much more interesting than reality shows or your regular comedy shows! Hahaha, I'll stop there as I could go on for literally forever! ^.^

  3. Posted on Feb 23, 2017, 7:04:12 AM UTC
    ID: 28772 | #4
    Level 65

    Nice to meet another fantasy fan. :)

    I like the escapism element as well - but I also sometimes like fantasy that doesn't feel like escapist, like - exploring analogies for real-life issues at a few steps back so they feel less stressful? But anyway! I like how you describe it - like sprouting wings and flying through your imagination. <3

    I don't follow a lot of anime but I love Fullmetal Alchemist (yeah it's angsty but I think I'm a little crazy about the brothers) and Serei no Moribito (kickass lady bodyguard protagonist yay!), and I've watched and enjoyed some of Sword Art Online. :)

    What's Wakfu about?

    What are some of your favorite webcomics?

    Last edited by Firiel on Feb 28, 2017, 8:17:26 PM UTC. 1 total edits.

  4. Posted on Feb 25, 2017, 12:47:50 PM UTC
    ID: 28774 | #5
    Level 33

    Welcome welcome! :) I'm intermittently around but it's great to see interest in the site and activity on it! This is the best art site out there, bar none.

  5. Posted on Feb 26, 2017, 8:09:43 PM UTC
    ID: 28778 | #6
    Level 281 ADMIN

    Hi Kazan. Welcome to Paperdemon! I like your username. Sorry that you had trouble with your account before.

    If you ever have trouble with your account again, you can also email me directly. Email addresses are listed on the contact page


    Anyway welcome and let us know if there's anything we can do to make your experience at PaperDemon more fun.

  6. Posted on Mar 1, 2017, 7:48:23 AM UTC
    ID: 28779 | #7
    Level 2

    @ Firiel: Some of my favorite webcomics would have to be off the top of my head, "Runewriters" "Harpy Gee" "Parallex" "The last diplomat" "Demon street" and a few other hundred XD. Wakfu is about this 12 year old boy who sets off on an adventure to find where he comes from upon gaining his powers as per request of his adoptee, a dragon who was watching over his dofus, or 'dragon egg'. He is actually a race of human separate from the dragon yet two are born from the egg, a human child that possess great magic in portals and weapon crafting from raw energy! There's also their sibling dragon. Yadda yadda, because I'm bad at explaining XD it was originally a multiplayer online game from Anakma (Or something like that?) that turned into an anime/cartoon hybrid! 

    @ hushicho: I am already liking it here! The community is small enough to actually converse and get to know your peers without being overlooked! Deviant art is so huge, it's hard to find literally anyone and chat!

    @ BogusRed: Thank you so much! And *Smacks head* E-mail! Why didn't I think of that before! XD Thanks, I will!!

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