PaperDemon Art RPG

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Hello! Kinda New!

  1. Posted on Mar 15, 2024, 2:26:35 PM UTC
    ID: 46907 | #11
    Level 147


    I tend to be abstract with my a list of my sky character and their ability for more idea :P
    Darta Grave: Breath (By imbuneing her breath and circulation, she can push her tiny body to super human level and channel her body balance)

    Moochika Amoris: Air Current (Light weather altering and strong minor wind current. Mostly use her air current to whip up sugar into cotton candy :) )
    Asklepios the Fallen: Air born Plague (Litherly able to create air born sickness and plague)

    A few idea though came a bit late :P sorry about that. 

    I hope to do a Collab with some of your character..I tend to do alot of big collab....cause I hate myself -_- The pain is real. Of course if you allow me...Permission all ways good and like to keep folk up date on progress so they can approve od disprove of things in story or pose in sketch...actually I have a post in collab requiring a sky character for something big :) Maybe you can be it? No fight or aggression, just 3 folk cheering up a sad giant :D


    I hope you have fun here and enjoy yourself.

  2. Posted on Mar 18, 2024, 10:04:29 PM UTC
    ID: 47023 | #12
    Level 20

    On Fri, 15 Mar 2024 18:26:35 GMT, Bordayus said in post id 46907:


    I tend to be abstract with my a list of my sky character and their ability for more idea :P
    Darta Grave: Breath (By imbuneing her breath and circulation, she can push her tiny body to super human level and channel her body balance)

    Moochika Amoris: Air Current (Light weather altering and strong minor wind current. Mostly use her air current to whip up sugar into cotton candy :) )
    Asklepios the Fallen: Air born Plague (Litherly able to create air born sickness and plague)

    A few idea though came a bit late :P sorry about that. 

    I hope to do a Collab with some of your character..I tend to do alot of big collab....cause I hate myself -_- The pain is real. Of course if you allow me...Permission all ways good and like to keep folk up date on progress so they can approve od disprove of things in story or pose in sketch...actually I have a post in collab requiring a sky character for something big :) Maybe you can be it? No fight or aggression, just 3 folk cheering up a sad giant :D


    I hope you have fun here and enjoy yourself.

    Hi there! Sorry for the late response on my end. Had a bit of a busy weekend.
    I really like the idea of your sky character manifesting airborne plague. It's really unique and interesting! ^^

    Also, to answer your question about a potential collab, I don't mind at all! ^^
    I'm actually very flattered you've taken an interest in my characters. Thanks for the warm welcome, too, by the way!

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