Transaction 235

Game: Dracostryx

Date: Apr 27, 2021, 7:36:20 PM

Initiated/Processed by SheepMomther


Game activity

ImageItem NameQuantityTransaction type
Ascension Tier - Ascended - 1 Withdrawal
Eye of Galyx Stone - 1 Withdrawal
Flock - Avian Avarice - 1 Withdrawal
Corrupted Wisp Trophy - 1 Withdrawal
Wolper - Desert - 1 Withdrawal
Fiendrake - Darkstone - 1 Withdrawal
Emperor - Blue - 1 Withdrawal

Fate 11293

ImageItem NameQuantityTransaction type
Ascension Tier - Ascended + 1 Deposit
Eye of Galyx Stone + 1 Deposit
Flock - Avian Avarice + 1 Deposit
Corrupted Wisp Trophy + 1 Deposit
Wolper - Desert + 1 Deposit
Fiendrake - Darkstone + 1 Deposit
Emperor - Blue + 1 Deposit

Print this receipt for your records.