Dracostryx Stryx Salon

Oct 2, 2020, 12:54:17 AM | 3 minutes

Major Makeover Kit

DO NOT have conversations here! We must keep this area clutter-free for the sake of our admins! If you have questions, please ask in our Discord Server.

The Stryx Salon

Just bought a Makeover Kit or Mutation Tonic and need to gussy up your dragon? Got to 75AP and want to apply some paint and accessories? How about a nifty Background Kit to give your birds a new place to live in? Well, this is where to do it!

  • Make sure that you own all of the stryx and items referenced in your form before you submit the request. If you are waiting for a transfer of ownership, do not submit a request until the transfer has officially gone through.
  • Remember your custom Background Packs need a Crepuscular, Diurnal, and Nocturnal version! You can optionally have both a flyer and runner version for each as well.
  • Remember your custom Background Packs need a preview image showing all three biorhythms, like this!
  • There is no monthly limit on how many Salon appointments or Background judgings you can request.
  • You may use Deviantart's Sta.sh function or PaperDemon's— to submit a hidden artwork on PaperDemon, go to the "Visibility" section when submitting the artwork and uncheck both the public gallery listing and the personal gallery + profile listing. Grab the link URL when you've submitted it, and use that to access the artwork. You can also access hidden artwork through the "Manage Art" button on your profile page.

Salon Closures
The Design Queues will close monthly to help prevent the wait times from ballooning and to prevent burnout on the team.

  • Currently, the queues will close on the last seven and first seven calendar days of each month [ie: March 1-7 and March 25-31]. There may not be a post every time warning of this, so do keep the posting dates in mind when submitting your request, as they will be skipped if posted during those closures.



Salon Requests

To submit a salon request, please fill out this form and comment below.

Please only make salon request for ONE stryx per comment.

Import: (link to import on EyeOfGalyx)
New Design: (Stash of your new design)
Previous Reviews: (if this is a second attempt, link all prior Stashes of rejected designs)
Original Import's Stash Link: (unedited copy of the import currently on EyeofGalyx)
Unedited Import's Stash Link: (unedited copy of new design if adding paint/line art edits/tack)
Proof of 75 AP: (needed if the stryx is not yet Alpha+)
Item(s): (please include ALL links here and not in the sta.sh file)
Name of Background Pack: (Specify the BG, if changing the BG)
Advent/Official Raffle/Guest Import: (yes or no)
Details: (explain the changes you want made)
Background Kit Requests
To submit a Custom Background request, please fill out this form and comment below.
Please keep in mind you need a Minor BG Kit for a personal copy, or a Major BG Kit for several copies.
Kit Type: [ Minor or Major Kit ]
Link to Background: [ link to all biorhythm versions, and the preview image ]
Name of BG Pack: [ name ]
Artist Permission Proof: [ proof of permission, if you're not the artist ]



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