Arena Battles 2022-Current

Apr 12, 2022, 4:57:43 PM | 3 minutes

D96sirz-27def406-1964-4157-be01-2f021186ad2d by AlphaStryx

Battling between Stryx is an excellent show of strength, cunning, and tenacity. While there are no battles to the death in the Arena, it is still a dangerous sport, and some injuries can be very serious. 

It is recommended to purchase or Craft armor before you head into battle!
This is also where Breath Abilities are most useful.


  • Only 2 Stryx per battle entry!
  • Your Stryx must belong to you! Arena does not permit leasing.
  • Your opponent Stryx must belong to another player or be a Group Starter!
  • Your Stryx must have completed Basic Training!
  • If your Stryx is blind they must must have completed Blindness Training!



Fill out the following form and comment on this journal! An admin will roll your results and award your Stryx's Valor. You can battle up to 3 times per month (4 times for those with the Gladiator Career)!

If you choose to battle an NPC/Group Starter, that Stryx will have no boosts (breath, armor, companions, etc.) but will always start with 100 health.

In a Boss Battle, to officially rise in rank, you must choose an opponent from the Boss List.


Including a Battle Image or Story is OPTIONAL, but does award you a higher chance at rare Arena Prizes! 

You can not re-use or recolor Battle images! All images must be original.
Backgrounds on drawn entries MUST depict an Arena/Coliseum-like background. (Example) If you have difficulty drawing buildings, a natural arena may be depicted instead where the natural features have been formed into a ring shape.
Collaborations are allowed.

Art = Fullbody, 2 stryx, colored, coliseum background (riders optional)
Literature = 800 words minimum

Battle Images must be counted and logged on your stryx's character sheet before it can be used!


Auto-healing is something that you may optionally request if you are posting multiple battles in a row and don't have time to heal in between. If you are concerned that a knock-out will prevent you from being able to use all your monthly battle slots, you can request an auto-heal to get them back on their feet before the next fight.

To auto-heal in the event your stryx is knocked out (reduced to 0 health) you may link to mashes to be used to ensure your stryx will be ready to fight again. You will need to provide mashes ahead of time in the space provided in the battle form, either as comment links, or you can specify the number of mashes to be pulled from your inventory.

Please note, Auto-Healing will only be activated if your stryx gets knocked out. If your stryx is already knocked out, you will need to go to The Healing Tree to revive them before posting a battle. The same goes if you want to boost the health of a non-knocked out stryx between fights.



Your Stryx Import vs. Opponent Stryx Import
Battle Image/Lit: (optional)

Your Rank: (Razorbeak, Bloodborn, Gladiator or Phoenix)
Your Items: (armor, breath weapons, etc.)

Boss Battle?: (yes/no)
Are you a Champion?: (yes/no, link to confirmation comment)

Auto-Heal if KO'd?: (provide mashes)

Roll with shenanigans?: (yes/no, doesn't effect the outcome of battle - just adds silly lines in the battle)


Your Stryx Import vs. Opponent Stryx Import
Battle Image/Lit: (optional)

Your Rank: (Razorbeak, Bloodborn, Gladiator or Phoenix)
Your Items: (armor, breath weapons, etc.)

Are you a Champion?: (yes/no, link to confirmation comment)

Auto-Heal if KO'd?: (provide mashes)

Opponent's Rank: (Razorbeak, Bloodborn, Gladiator or Phoenix)
Opponent's Items: (armor, breath weapons, etc.)
Battle Permission: (perm comment or ping to request reply confirmation)

Are they a Champion?: (yes/no, link to confirmation comment)

Auto-Heal Opponent if KO'd?: (provide mashes)

Roll with shenanigans?: (yes/no, doesn't effect the outcome of battle - just adds silly lines in the battle)



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