Happy Holidays and giving back

Dec 24, 2007, 3:44:41 PM | 2 minutes

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to wish you all a very happy holiday. We are doing our holiday rounds and it is just crazy! We had a graduation party on Saturday and a brunch on Sunday where we found my cousin was engaged! She is the 4th grandchild in 3 years to get married....totally nuts. Tonight it is off to Ev's parents and then to my grandparents house on Christmas eve. I have been there for Christmas eve my whole life though I liked it a lot better when they lived in their log cabin in the woods, we all spent the night!! Like a all of us. Anyway we will be running around like crazy and we wanted to wish you a Very Merry!!

We started a new tradition of our own as well being this is our first "married" holiday (according to my family)..guess thanksgiving didn't count...We are donating money to charity. This year we picked a wonderful wolf sanctuary in Washington state. We had adopted a wolf there before as Ev loves wolves so we renewed his wolf Spruce and adopted his sister Cricket. They are just lovely http://www.wolfhaven.org/index.html

You can adopt one as well if you are interested. We are thinking about going to the wolf sanctuary on a trip out west some time. Giving back feels great! I may do some charity auctions this year.Next year it will be a rabbit or donkey charity I am sure (Ev likes donkeys don't ask why I don't know, I am just happy it isn't a snake)

Well Happy Holidays to you and yours and I will be posting soon!!
mood: excited excited
tags: holiday

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