Enter Sandman!

Feb 22, 2008, 2:55:13 PM | 2 minutes

After a rough couple of days and one crying fit from sheer exhaustion I finally got some sleep! I went to bed at 1am and go up around 8:30. I hope that I can continue on this schedule. I still feel really tired but I think I should stay up. Thank goodness for my Tossimo beverage station, I can just drink Chai tea all day if I have to.

Poor Johnnie was up as late as I was last night. Our neighbors are under the impression they live in a frat house and are up at all hours. They crank up the surround sound so loud it shakes our walls and bed. He tried to knock on the door but they wouldn't answer so we had to call the cops. If this was a once in a while thing I wouldn't care but it is every night. They dump beer cans in our bushes, their drunk girlfriends are always in the street screeching like cats in heat. They all work in bars or something cause they come home super late. The drove out the neighbor on the other side. I hope they get it together or leave.

It is still really hard for me to concentrate.These pill side effects are starting to lessen though. I think my best bet is to do some ACEO's. That was I can be semi productive and make some money for show fees. I haven't done an original in ages and I do get poked from time to time to do them. Maybe some OSWOA's would be good to try since I can't focus for more then a short while.

We got a little dusting of snow last night. Everything looks like it is covered in powdered sugar. Me personally I want a blizzard but the rest of the world is rejoicing in the lack of severe weather this year.

This weekend we plan on finishing painting our kitchen, which is sort of an F U teal. I blame Ursula Vernon, she sold me the Tea Labels that started all of this.False Advertising Once we have a little extra we want to get the Marsupial Mango label and Jasmine's Skulls and Stars. It will look nice with our pink and black accessories. I will post pictures when it is done. You really have to see it to appreciate it.

My cats are really beating the crap out of my oldest cat Kahlua. I have to keep breaking them up. They go through phases over who doesn't like who. It is like high school. I need to go bust them up again and make Kahlua feel better about himself. Have a great weekend.

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