
Mar 7, 2008, 7:19:57 PM | 2 minutes

I have shipped out all my orders for the week! I actually had a lot for the first time ever so that was pretty cool. If you are expecting something it went out today. My first baby dragon commission included. It was the cutest one I have done to date but I was in such a hurry I didn't get any photos of it.

I have to crank out three more baby dragons!! I will start one of them today and hope that they move along quickly. Only when I am up to my eyeballs in something else do I want to do something for myself, isn't that always the way?

I wanted to do another little bun sculpture for Easter but I am not sure if I will have time. I really liked the last one I did. We will see maybe I can sneak it in between dragons or something.

This weekend we are painting again!!! Geeze it takes forever. Our walls are so dry and damaged they just suck up paint. The families are complaining they don't hear from us. All we do is work and fix up our crap shack, if you want to see us you are going to have to bring a paint brush. Ditto for friends. Nothing personal we just want to live in a nice place for a change. Johnnie is getting off early from work today so I better get some stuff done before he does.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone :)

PS I will be doing my yearly Make Mine Chocolate Post prolly tomorrow.

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