
Jul 8, 2008, 6:23:29 AM | 3 minutes

Things here are really about to change, the pace is quickening and I feel like finally the tide is starting to turn for the better. I have a sales rep helping me with my figurines so I think whole sale orders will be increasing. I also want to make things look a lot prettier and more professional for my customers. I am thinking along the lines of packaging, branding and things like that. It will take more work I am sure but I feel the end result will be well worth it. I think it is time for me to get out of the kiddie pool and have everything streamlined and perfect. Everything up until now was a learning process and I have sat back and thought long and hard about what I want my company to be and where I want it to go. Life seems to be pointing me in a particular direction that I feel that is going to take me to the places I was meant to be both personally and with my business. This year for me has been the craziest ever and just when I thought the ride was over I seem to keep getting curve balls. Much like my totem the phoenix I am always in some state of change in one form or another. I can't tell you how long it has been since I have been really really jazzed about my work and my art. I was in a rut for a bit of time I think.

With that said I would like to let you know I have officially left Blue Moon Stones. I have a small assortment of slates in my closet and will be posting them for sale. I think Blue Moon Stones may have two more of my slates and then no more. For me it was a bit odd to say goodbye, it was my very first licensing deal, and though I appreciate my first break I feel like it is time for me to move on.

Secondly ,I am going to be no longer carrying my first five figurines from Music City Marketing. Fluffy, Dante,Whisper,Mephe and Jay are in limited stock and once I am out I will not re order. They have decided to continue selling them to their retailers but for me I want to focus on the resin statuary I manufacture myself for space and financial reasons. I also control everything and if you truly know me you know I am obsessive about my company and hate to really turn that over to anyone if I don't have to.

There are going to be a lot more things going on here but I don't have the time or energy to really go in greater detail about it at the moment. I am going to be busy busting tail so if I start to fall behind with emails,comments and calls I am sorry in advance. This stuff needs to be done though

I have a new mailing list so please sign up if you have not!

Thanks so much everyone!

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