Commissions: [Closed]

Trades: [Friends Only]

Collaborations: [Not at the Moment/Closed]

Requests: [When Free/Case by Case]

Roleplay: [Friends Only]

Gifts for Me: [Open to All ^v^]

Characters for Sale/Trade: [Closed]


Pronouns: (She / Her )

About Me: 

Hello! Feel free to call me Griffy/Grif/Or any other form of my main artist name Grifmay ^v^~<3. I love creating characters, stories, and creatures but I'm pretty dang slow at drawing so I don't post super often unless in an unusually motivated mood. Decided to join Paperdemon for two reasons, 1st because I thought it seemed like fun and the cummunity is sweet and 2nd because I wanted to improve my lack of knowledge in the anatomy department specifically the male form...(hence why Luxis is seen a lot with his shirt off cuz I gotta work on them chesticles >XD ).