• Broke Car and ComiCon

    Jun 25, 2014, 4:55:03 AM | 2 minutes

    I have this brilliant idea to get a table at the 5th Annual Ark-La-Tex ComiCon so I jump on the wagon and start to sketch away as the mules are going 30 MPH down a dirt road with me clinging on for dear life. I was doing so good until I got sick after my Mother ended up in the E.R. and I was down for three days.

    All good now, so instead of sitting here working on my comic and some other random art to throw at people demanding they come to my table I am doing my homework that I didn't get to work on that is due today.

    And this leading up to the last week that also starts today and I have to see about my next class(s) tomorrow. So my whole goal for ComiCon......
    If I have to sell plasma I will get that table or make some deal with my Dad, which is like selling your soul to the devil. He is already paying to get my car fixed so asking him for helping to get a table would be overdrive.  I am getting tired of playing this game with him, I want to just tell him to leave me alone. I am his verbal punching bag and I cannot hadle it anymore. 

    I will be so glad when he leaves town and I don't have to deal with him.  He calls me and asks what I am doing and I tell him I doing my homework, he inturn says that that is just an excuss that I am not doing anything. Everything I say to him is an excuss. I could be laying on the floor bleeding out and it is an excuss and I need to get up. I am so tired of his......

    I am going to bring Little Girl back in and blrush my teeth. I think I'll kill something dead things tonight, do my homework. My Ligament Homework and then see I if I can get some sleep to go face off with him tomorrow while putting in the new door handles on my car. I am suppose to have an art hang out session with my freind and that means I have to ride in to work with my mother at 6 am and drive back home due we are done to one car. I want my car back so bad. :annoyed:

  • Ghost on the Page

    May 7, 2014, 11:43:52 PM | 3 minutes

    I had planed to be more active in my brief freedom of school work and fetal position of crying out of stress to work on some art work and finish up some stuff but no such luck. Saturday, the week before my Final, my Mom tripped and broke her ankle. Then the next few days spent on the final until Friday we got a shed and I had to let it rest on Saturday so Easter Sunday I spent all day getting the walls up and the roof beams. I came out looking like a lobster.  Monday I did a little more work on with the roof and Tuesday after taking Mom to see the Doctor that would be able to look at it better. She dose not need a cast, but has to use crutches and a walker. She likes the walker around the house and at work and the crutches when we go into stores, but she dose use the will chairs.  

    So back track to Monday, she came home and her car was leaking water that may be something up with the Radiator so I drove her to work Wednesday of the same week and I was having car trouble, but I thought it was just the crack in my fly wheel (and the outside handle of my driver door broke so I need that replaced) but come to find out there is something up with my starter. So both our cars are sitting in the yard, but my Dad had bought a car for his Third ex-wife and we lent it to me for us to use so mom can get to work and we can do what we need to do.  

    For three weeks straight I have been constantly running. I wake up at 6 am every day to fix coffee, shower, put the dog outside, feed the cats and dog, fix her lunch and take her breakfast and coffee.  Put the dog in the kennel and shut things down to help her out the door and driver her to work before returning home and cleaning up the living room. Because of this I have not been able to even look on a job that I could really use. It would not be so bad if I had commissions but when you have only had three in four years. 

    I am contently tired since I have to do all this on my own. Mom is healing and has to stay off the foot, but I don't have any one to help me. Even writing this I am tired.  So that is what is going on right now, I hope to get some more work on my Loki painting Saturday while mom watches the Cyber Cast, but that is all based on if we get a DVD player so I can have something to keep me company since music ends up side tracking me at home.