Adoption Center

Dec 9, 2020, 9:48:08 PM | 2 minutes

{ Kósmos Adoption Center }


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Welcome to the Kósmos Adoption Center! Here, you can adopt an Eláfkeri, or donate one for someone else to give them a home.




{ Adopting a Eláfkeri }


Players may adopt an Eláfkeri from the Adoption Center every three months, with the month they adopted in counting as the first month ( e.g. if a player adopts in January, they'd need to wait January, February, and March, and adopt again in April ).


Any player who hasn't adopted an Eláfkeri in the three months prior to their request may adopt.


> Find all Eláfkeria looking for homes here! <


To adopt an Eláfkeri, fill out the following form as a reply to the comment linked below.

> Adopt an Eláfkeri here! <

PaperDemon Profile URL: [ your URL here ]

Desired Geno Number: [ Number from the spreadsheet's "Center Number" column ]

Second Option: [ Center Number, in case your first option is taken ]

I agree to the Eláfkeria terms of service and usage.


By adopting an Eláfkeria genotype and/or participating as a player in the community, you agree to the Eláfkeria terms of service and usage.




{ Donating an Eláfkeri }


Players may leave as many Eláfkeria as desired. Donated Eláfkeria go directly to the center to look for a new home!


Every time you donate a geno, you get a reward! You can choose either Sky Fragments or an item; whichever you choose will reflect your donation's value.


Please keep in mind:

• Any player in possession of a geno/Import may donate.

• Donated Eláfkeria cannot be taken back.

• Players may donate both undesigned genos, and uploaded Imports.

• Only one geno per comment. You may upload as many comments as desired.



To donate an Eláfkeri, fill out the following form as a reply to the comment linked below.

> Surrender an Eláfkeri geno/Import here! <

PaperDemon Profile URL: [ your URL here ]

Donating: [ full genotype information ]

Proof of Ownership: [ link to comment that proves the geno is yours, or link to Import character sheet ]

Reward: [ Sky Fragments or item ]

I agree to the Eláfkeria terms of service and usage.



By adopting an Eláfkeria genotype and/or participating as a player in the community, you agree to the Eláfkeria terms of service and usage.




Eláfkeria are an ARPG closed species by SheepMomther

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