
Dec 14, 2020, 1:12:14 AM | 3 minutes

{ Hunting }


Hunting is a vital part of an Eláfkeri's life. Ever since they reach their fledgling stage, an Eláfkeri learns to hunt and scavenge for their food.


Hunting grants an Eláfkeri with meat, which helps them stay strong during Sabering matches.


Hunting also brings an Eláfkeri closer to nature, granting it a HarP bonus.




{ Rules }


  • A healthy Eláfkeri can participate in Hunting as soon as their import is uploaded!
  • An Eláfkeri that is blind or is born with Angel Wing must go through training before it can hunt.
  • An Eláfkeri born with cardiac aplasia cannot hunt.
  • Hunting entries must fulfill their specific prompt's criteria, as well as the general Hunting entry criteria.
  • A Hunting entry can contain up to 4 participants. It may include more Eláfkeria, but only 4 may get their entries rolled.
  • A Hunting entry can additionally depict other ARPG characters that can be rolled for their own game's activities, without taking up the space of the 4 rollable Eláfkeria limit.
  • Hunting prey cannot be an existing concept ( e.g. a character, a fictional species, an existing person or figure )
  • Hunting entries that contain violent themes or themes that are otherwise sensitive must be tagged and censored in accordance to's terms and rules.




{ Rewards }


Each Hunting entry grants the following rewards:

• Chance at finding Good, Great, or Excellent Meat.

• Chance at finding items or companions found through Hunting.

• +2 HarP bonus to the Hunting entry's HarP count, for all featured Eláfkeria.




{ Probabilities }


• Dissonant Rank - 25% chance of bringing back meat.

• Tuned Rank - 50% chance of bringing back meat.

• Melodious Rank - 75% chance of bringing back meat.

• Harmonic Rank - 100% chance of bringing back meat.


Whenever an Eláfkeri of a lower rank is accompanied by a Harmonic Eláfkeri, their probabilities of bringing back meat are enhanced to the following rank ( e.g. if a Dissonant Eláfkeri is accompanied by a Harmonic one, the Dissonant one's entry will be rolled as if it were Tuned, instead of Dissonant ).




{ Submitting a Hunting Roll Request }


Before submitting an art piece to be judged, keep in mind the following:

  • You may only submit HarP to be counted for one (1) EK and one (1) art piece per request.
  • You may submit as many pieces as you wish, as long as they're submitted in separate forms.
  • You may not submit a request for an Eláfkeri you do not own.


To request a HarP count and Hunting roll, fill out the following form as a comment to this blog.
Eláfkeri Name & ID: ( must be tagged in the art piece )
Link to Art Piece: [ Link to art piece to be counted. Only one (1) per comment ]
HarP Breakdown: [ Breakdown of Harmony Points the piece earns. Use breaks between each bonus ]
Biome: [ Name of Biome to be rolled ]
Companion(s): [ Equipped Companions to be rolled, if any ]
Item(s): [ Items to be used, if any ]
Leasing Proof: [ Link to leasing proof if rolling an Eláfkeri you don't own ]




Eláfkeria are an ARPG closed species by SheepMomther

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