Fwubby's Hatchery

Dec 17, 2021, 2:01:34 AM | 2 minutes

{ Egg Hatchery }




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You enter a cozy place made of wood, soft cotton, and many, many toys! An enormous ball of hay rolls towards you, and you find yourself picking it up before jumping out of two energetic fawns' way!


"Sorry, thank you for catching that! It's always hectic during playtime; how may I help you?"

Fwubby, a short and feathery creature scoops the ball up before tossing it back inside a playpen as they hold an asleep fawn with their tail.

Before you can reply, their eyes light up excitedly, and they let out a joyous gasp.

"Could it be? Do you have an egg that needs incubating? I'll be happy to help!"


They hold a hoof of yours in delight, and drag you gently but rushedly into the incubator room, which is warm, and full of eggs of all colors and sizes!






Fwubby's Hatchery is the place in Kósmos where you can hatch eggs you've found! Fwubby knows how to care properly for all kinds of eggs, so they'll do a good job for you.


If you own an Egg of any rarity, you may roll it for a geno here.


Remember Eggs are logged into your Characters tab, not your Inventory!





{ Hatching an Egg }


To get an Egg's geno rolled, fill out the following form as a comment in this blog.


You may only request one egg per comment; there is no limit on how many requests you post each month.


Egg Rarity: [ Egg's Rarity ]

Link to Egg: [ Link to Egg's character sheet ]




Eláfkeria are an ARPG closed species by SheepMomther

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