USD Shop

Jan 3, 2022, 6:18:13 PM | 3 minutes

{ USD Shop }




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Welcome! Here you can request purchases of different in-game items.


Keep in mind that we will never ask you to state your private information to the public!





{ About }


For transparency, and for your own safety, the purchase process is the following:

I. Your PayPal account email is requested to be sent to Elafkeria-ARPG , which is a leader-only account that only lead admins and other specific admins have access to. They only use this information to run queues, and have previously agreed to keep all admin-received information private.

II. Your PayPal account email is only used once for the purchase request you link. Once the purchase is made, the information will not be used again ( unless needed to solve an issue ).

III. Once an admin checks the information, they will send a PayPal invoice and let you know through a reply to your comment in this blog ( NOT to the PM ). They will ask you to reply once you've paid so that they can check, and process your purchase.

IV. The admin will process your purchase once it's paid, and will let you know as a last reply to your comment in this blog.

V. USD purchases go towards the game's maintenance and support to the creator.



If you've purchased before, you will still need to send a new PM with the information, as admins do not check back, nor memorize this information.

This also allows for each PM to work as a receipt of sorts for the admin account's logs.




{ Shop }


You can view the available items and prices here:


> Semi-Customs <

> Eggs <

> Starter Slots <

> Items ( coming soon ) <






No sales at the moment!





{ Requesting a Purchase }


You may purchase as many things as desired.

To request a purchase, there are three steps:


I. Send a PM to Elafkeria-ARPG with the following information:

Subject: "USD Purchase"

PM Text: [ state your PayPal email account clearly so that we can send an invoice ]


II. Fill out the following form as a comment to this blog:

Items to Purchase: [ list all items you wish to purchase alongside their individual prices ]

Total Sum: [ state the price total ]

Sent PM: [ Have you sent the PM with your PayPal account? Requests that state no will not be able to be processed ]


III. Go back to your sent PM, and send a new message with the link to your comment request.

This way, admins will have a public queue to work with, while keeping your information safe and without confusing purchases.




Eláfkeria are an ARPG closed species by SheepMomther

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