Ownership Transfers

Feb 15, 2022, 8:38:03 PM | 2 minutes

{ Ownership Transfers }




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Welcome! Here, you may request for your Eláfkeri to be transfered to another player.


Additionally, you may request for an Eláfkeri to be marked as Voided. Voided Eláfkeria are permanently locked from the ARPG and cannot be used again.




{ Rules }


To transfer an Eláfkeri, you must keep the following things in mind:

• You must own the Eláfkeri you'll transfer at the moment of requesting an ownership transfer.

• The new owner must be a user on PaperDemon.

• The Eláfkeri to be transferred must have an official Import, and be an uploaded design, Egg, or Semi-Custom. To transfer a geno instead, simply reply to the geno's proof of origins stating the new owner.

• Once the Eláfkeri is transferred over, all items equipped on it will transfer as well. Make sure you de-equip any items you wish to keep!

• You may only transfer one Eláfkeri per request, but may submit as may requests as desired.




{ Submitting Ownership Transfer Requests }


To submit an Ownership Transfer request, fill out the following form as a comment to this blog:

Eláfkeri Import: [ Link to the Eláfkeri to be transferred ]

HarP Tracker: [ Link to the Eláfkeri's HarP Tracker, if any ]

New Owner: [ Username of new owner; tag with an @ ]




{ Submitting Voiding Requests }


To submit a Void request, fill out the following form as a comment to this blog:

Eláfkeri Import: [ Link to the Eláfkeri to be transferred ]

Mark As: Voided

Agreement: I understand that character voiding is permanent, and wish to continue with the process.




Eláfkeria are an ARPG closed species by SheepMomther

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