I WON!!!

Feb 17, 2009, 12:40:42 PM | 1 minutes

Oh, my good God! I won a contest! No really! I did! I am actually now titled a Panel-to-Panel Pimp! For my tons of comments on Comics! *Shrugs* I like comics! ^^ Always have... I've actually been working on a Silent Hill Comic, but it's like... Just four pages in... And really, really bad! ^^' But hey! I enjoy it and that's what it's about! I think I'll post it one day in the Red Courtain... Now, I know that there are very few people who will read this, but I couldn't care any less who reads this! I'm just so excited that I won something! For once! YAY!


Wanna see my Deviant Art Account, my Fanficition.net Account?

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