23 days and counting

Mar 31, 2010, 11:33:31 PM | 2 minutes

Well, as my introductory blog entry, I guess I should introduce myself. It would be the polite thing to do. ^.^

Hello! My real name is (insert name here) But you can call me Moon-Huntress ^.^ I'm in college as an Enlish Education major and I tell you what, that's one major that will DEVOUR your time. I had all these big plans to work on my books and stories and now, I'm just hoping to survive. >.< of course that's kinda what taking 17 hours and working part time will do to you.

Here recently I've been working on a short story for my Creative Writing class and my professor told me last class period that she wants me to submit it to the University's literary journal when I'm done with it. ^^ I can't tell you how excited that made me! I've always always always wanted to be a published author. One of my old friends has recently been published in the past year. I was SO jealous. I have to admit though, I haven't read her book yet >.< Don't tell her that. I just haven't had the time to do any reading for fun. :( my American Literature class has eaten my soul. lol But anyhow, there are no guarantees I'll be published in the journal, but if I am, you'll totally be one of the first to find out! (you referring to anyone who might actually read this)

The title of this entry "23 days and counting" is referencing the fact that I only have 23 days until my semester ends!!! Then I'll be really able to work on my stories ^.^ I can't even explain to you how awesome that sounds! I've been so busy for so long that it'll be strange to be able to do whatever I want for however long I want. That sounds like a dream that'll never get here. That's why I'm counting down. ^.^

Hmmm... That's about all of my exciting news >.< If you read this, go ahead and read what I write and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment! I WANT to improve. I NEED to improve. and I don't know HOW or WHERE to improve if I don't get any feedback. I promise you, if you comment on one of my pieces, you'll go down in my book of favorite people forever!

Have fun!

~ Moon-Huntress

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