Well, I hate these "Tell us about you!" things.  I never know what to say since I lead kind of a dull life.

I'm 23.  A recent college graduate with a Bachelors degree in Fine Arts.  I like to paint, draw, read, etc.

I'm an anime and manga freak,  Isn't the term Otaku?  I think so.  My favorite series (for both manga and anime) is InuYasha.  Though I enjoy Witch Hunter Robin, Gilgamesh (though the ending pissed me off), and Gantz (Another one that pissed me off cause my favorite character dies), among others of course.

I'm working on my own graphic novel but it's taking so long cause I hardly ever have motivation to sit down and actually work on it!  I've received some praise for it so far though, so I guess it's decent.  Not to mention i have what's done so far, copyrighted!

Let's see........What else?  Uh, Oh! I tend to knock out a lot of tribal designs.  I've even sold a few so if you're interested let me know.

Well, I guess that'll be it for now, until I think of something else to put down.

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