The Vampire and the Maiden UPDATE

Nov 23, 2015, 2:59:45 AM | 1 minutes

So! Yup! The Vampire and the Maiden is being rewritten. I'm just starting to do this, so I have no clue when it will be ready.

Guess I should explain a few things.
So, I started posting the Vampire and the Maiden on DeviantArt, but as they have issues with smutty fanfictions, and most sites do, I ending up running into PaperDemon.

But, when I was writing V&M, I was literally doing it the day of every update. So I was writing every day for 13 days!
This caused a lot of quality decline, so I'm going to take my time and complete the rewritten version of the story.

Once again, I don't know when this will be finished and start to be published. But, I will keep you all updated.

Stay tuned! :dance:

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