Writer's Mem

May 2, 2008, 2:51:34 AM | 3 minutes

Original Idea from:



1) How about a brief introduction of yourself?

 I'm a anime/manga fan because I love the style of animation and high graphic qualities and excellent storytelling.   There is nothing more important to me in a work of entertainment then a good story; which is why I only go to the theatre once a year XD.   I love rpging and strategy games.

2) Fabulous! And what got you into story/novel-writing to begin with?

I started writing fiction when I was in fourth grade.  I originally started writing horror and sf stories that were very graphic and gore filled; but I moved away from that as I got older for some reason.


3) I see, so what kind of story/novel do you like to write about? Why?

I like writing whatever comes into my mind. It could be a simple short story about a high school kid engaged to sexy alien, human looking aliens of course or something of high brow fantasy or something that's very low brow fantasy.  I like to write anything in the fantasy field.  I'm not sure why, I just really enjoy it.  I also have been getting back into writing dark fictions again for some reason.


4) What type of characters do you normally have (for the protagonist)?

I usually have my protagonist being someone whom suffers greatly, afterall the reader would be bored if there was nothing happening or the character wasn't in some kind of pain.


5) What is your most popular/largest story/novel project? Describe.

My most popular story?  I don't think I have one.


6) What is the story/novel you've written/writing that you are most proud of? Why?

The story I am most proud of?  That's a hard question to answer.  It'd probably be Fangs of the Wolf Witch, which I plan on making a part of a collection of short stories about my Wallachia Chronicles.


7) Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with?

It varies. Sometimes I'm dry for ideas and other times they rush out of me water bursting out of an exploding sink faucet.   The hardest part though overall is usually always grammar.  My grammar is not the best in the world.


8) Write a catchy intro on the spot NOW!

   Darkness surrounded him.  He could not see his way out.  His hands blindly groped along the walls to feel the cool slime that covered them.  His hand pulled back with a disgusted yelp of surprise.  He brushed the sticky goo off on his pants.  The only sound the echo of his footsteps as he desparately sought his way out of the old passage way.


9) Are there any story cliche that you are just sick of?

Not sure to be honest. 


10) Are you guilty of those cliches that you hate?

Again I'm not sure.


11) What would you call your writing style?

My writing style?  I'd probably call it amauterish. XD


12) What type of story do you generally read?

Everything, history, sciences, fiction, fantasy mostly, sf.


13) What's the one thing you have always wanted to write but are too afraid/shy to?



14) Do you have trouble taking criticisms?

It depends on whom it's coming from or how sugar coated it is XD.


15) When you write, is there anything that helps? (Music, food?)

When I write I sometimes listen to music; but only when I'm forcing it or trying to relax my mind.  Usually I like silence when I'm really in the zone; because I have a zen like experience of it just being me and my story unfolding before me.


16) What inspires you?

Almost anything can inspire me for an idea at times and other times I just come up dry.


17) Lastly, how do you sum up your writer's career so far?

Non existent.  I haven't made any money at so I see it as struggling.  I try to write as much as I can when an idea strikes me.

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