So yeah, welcome to my page. :3 As you can see, it's not very enteresting, but that's more or less because I'm too lazy to add HTML. So this is all you have to look at for the time being. <3

Anyway, I'm Puppy (or Wolf, or Growly, or what ever other nickname you can think of) and I'm currently working on becoming a Graphic Artist/Illustrator. I'm an avid role player, and you'll probably see that my gallery (currently) is flooded with my RPC's. :3 If you'd like, drop me a line for a role play over YIM. I rp just about anything so long as we get a good plotling off the ground. xD
Just be literate, considerate and creative. :3 That's all I ask.
Anyway, I'll stop rambling now and let you get back to your life.

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