Questing Adventures: Deep Woods Wisp Hunt

Published Apr 15, 2022, 10:34:17 PM UTC | Last updated Apr 15, 2022, 10:34:17 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

A place for my Dracostryx Quests, usually will be centered around Tybalt and Fiona, as well as Vokun and Eida, with occasional special guests!

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Chapter NaN: Deep Woods Wisp Hunt

The cool evening hung low and crisp in the air, the sky awash in golden light as the sun began its final descent over the horizon. The droplets of rain that had fallen earlier in the day caught the reflection of the light, giving the world a gilded appearance. Everything felt new and clean, fresh buds already finding their way to the surface after a long cold winter.

The small band of riders and stryx made their way through the trees, the narrow trunks of trees widely spaced, and brush still sparse to make for easy travel. The four riders lead the charge through the woods,talking amiably about themselves as they traversed deeper into the woods on their hunt.

“It’s really great running into you, Lav, dear, I always appreciate having another familiar face with us out here.” Eida said, offering Lav a small smile.

“Oh! Yes, thanks! For letting me tag along, that is.” Lav replied, and Fiona gave a small chuckle, waving her hand dismissively.

“It’s no biggie, really. I mean, we’re all out here for the same reasons, right? I’m pretty sure, at least.” Fiona said, with a glance down at Babycrime who gave an affirmative HJONK.

“I’ve heard that it’s easiest to spot the wisps here at this time, so I figured I would give it a shot for myself.” Lav said, taking a moment to sweep her gaze through the trees around them for any tell-tell signs. Fiona nodded eagerly, leaning towards her.

“Yep! We almost couldn’t have better circumstances than this! After fresh rains, and in the evening are when they really love to come out. And while there isn’t any prior studies to back this up, I like to think the changing of the seasons also really brings them out.” Fiona said, with a conspiratory smile to Lav.

“Interesting! I haven’t been out here very much to really know any difference myself yet.” Lav said.

“You should come with us more often! Both of you, if you’re also interested over there.” Eida said, directing her last statement to Babycrime. “Fiona and I come out here fairly regularly, either wisp hunting, or gathering other components for some of our spells and the like.”

“There’s all sorts of useful things, if you know what to look for and where to go poking around.” Fiona said, nodding thoughtfully.

As their riders chatted in front of them, the four stryx dutifully followed along, three with grace, and one. . . not so much. Sahira and Vokun both seemed to glide across the ground, and Tybalt strutted in a very poised manner, while Myst, on the other hand, seemed almost to waddle as she walked alongside the others.

“Wow, it sure is pretty out here, huh? Been a while since I’ve been on a walk through the woods, but this is really nice!” Myst piped up enthusiastically, trying to strike up a conversation between her and the stoic silence the others seemed content to stay in.

“Hmm, yes, I find the evening air here quite invigorating. It holds a certain. . . feeling to it, hard to place.” Vokun responded, keeping her gaze forwards towards the path ahead of them as she spoke.

“‘Unsettling’ is the feeling you can’t quite place, if you ask me.” Tybalt said with a begrudging tone. This was clearly a discussion they had had before. Vokun gave him a small sideward glance, a twinkle in her eye.

“Still think the forest is out to get you, hm? Even though, time and time again, it proves as harmless as a rabbit?” She replied, and Tybalt ruffled his feathers in annoyance.

“It may just be that I’m not cut out for these places, I prefer places where people actually go, not these empty places in the middle of nowhere where you only end up when you’re hopelessly lost.” Tybalt replied tartly.

“You’re only lost if you don’t know how to follow the signs the world gives you.” Sahira chimed in, peering up through the branches above them. Luckily, the trees hadn’t fully sprouted their leaves for the new season, so it was fairly easy to make out the sky beyond. “Look, even though the night isn’t quite in bloom yet, you can already pick out the North Star, there. Nature’s compass, bright to help guide you home.”

“Vokun has tried time and time again to teach me all this stuff but it never sticks in my head. Old dog new tricks, I guess.” Tybalt said, shrugging his shoulders dismissively.

“Tybalt, you are the youngest one here. By quite a margin, I imagine. Hardly more than a fledgling, as far as I am concerned.” Vokun said. Her serious expression and tone made it hard to tell if she was joking. Tybalt heaved an overdramatic sigh and pouted at her, before the two of them chuckled at each other.

“I don’t think you’re ever too old to stop learning. Like just the other day I learned that you sho- Hey over there!” Myst interrupted herself, gesturing to a flickering blue light bobbing in between the trees. As if sensing it had been spotted it froze in the air for a moment, and it felt like everyone stood holding their breath for a moment before breaking out into action, the wisp darting further back into the trees.

“Quick, Lav, Fiona, why don’t you two cover the ground, keep them from spreading too far apart and get ahead of them. Your stryx should have an easier time weaving between the trees. How about you and me take to the skies, see if we can’t get ahead of them. Sounds good?” Eida directed, and everyone gave a swift nod of approval. Babycrime waved Myst over with her knife, letting out a battle cry of ‘HJONK!’ as Myst took off, snapping the brittle branches in her way as she rose. Fiona and Lav both swiftly mounted up, Tybalt and Sahira delicately charging forwards through the tree trunks. Vokun lowered her head as Eida twirled around and hopped on her back, taking to the air with a powerful beat of her wings.

In just a brief moment, the serene and quiet atmosphere of the forest was disrupted. More wisps seemed to materialize as the wisp fled, forming a small group of bobbing lights, leaving a thick smoky trail as they wove in and out of the trees.

It wasn’t hard for the two gryphs to get ahead of them, however, soaring low over the treetops just ahead of the gathering of wisps. The two on the ground were doing a great job of keeping them grouped up as well, weaving almost effortlessly, tucking through narrow gaps and dodging obstacles expertly.

“Try diving and directing them upwards, it’ll be easier to bottle them from up here!” Eida called out to Babycrime, who gave a resolute nod and ushered Myst forwards. Myst reared up in preparation of diving back through the branches, tucking her wings into a dive before snapping her wings back out into a hard stop. She didn’t quite nail the landing, however, losing her feet from underneath her and falling forwards, throwing Babycrime onto the ground in front of her as she skidded to a halt. Despite the unsuccessful landing, it accomplished the goal and the wisps tittered up and over Myst and above the tree line as Lav and Fiona also closed in closer on either side.

Eida and Vokun gave a wide circle, Eida’s hand outstretched as she cast a spell to try and net the wisps inside. Sahira and Tybalt both swiftly rose out of the trees, joining Vokun in circling where the wisps were, keeping them pinned in a swirling vortex.

Babycrime and Myst both got up from the ground and shook themselves off, Babycrime eagerly hopping and waving her knife for Myst to get her back up into the air with the others. Slightly worse for wear, Myst stumbled up and shook herself off, lowering enough for Babycrime to scramble back up onto her back.

“Alright, try to bottle them before any slip out!” Eida called out as Myst came back up, doing her best to maintain focus. It was hard to hear her over the rush of wind, but the others didn’t need much instruction, taking turns diving through the center to try and scoop one up.

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