Vogue Vampire boss battle entries: attack 5 - Caspian

Published Sep 9, 2022, 11:43:02 AM UTC | Last updated Sep 20, 2022, 4:40:54 PM | Total Chapters 4

Story Summary

Writing entries for the Vogue Vampire boss fight. Each entry separated into its own chapter.

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Caspian PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd602
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Chapter 4: attack 5 - Caspian

2. Draw or write about your character trying to stop the boss without fighting it. Do they distract the vampire by asking them to dance? Do they offer the vampire ethically sourced meals?

407 words


More in this series of events:


two (RC)

three (you are here)








Caspian breathed in, filled his lungs as full as he could. His eyes stayed closed, his brow crinkling as he tried to stay calm. There was no need to make a number out of this. The pathetic bloodsucker could just be left to his own devices, thinking he's so high and mighty.




The Athos threw his eyes open, and sprung up, throwing around profanities at the surrounding air. Screw counting to ten - he had no patience for such vanity, at least not now. Caspian proceeded to the huge wardrobe in the room, pulling its doors open with such force, that even he could hear the hinges wail. He rummaged through the clothes and accessories like a wild animal through a carcass, throwing everything he didn't deem suitable behind him on the floor. He assumed the contents of the wardrobe belonged to the vampire himself - not even stopping to wonder, that if he indeed lived here, why would he sabotage his own event?


Caspian was too enraged for logical thinking, to indulged in his desire for revenge. His hands pulled out yet another garment, but his eyes stopped on it as he spread it out before his eyes in the air. His slit pupils dilated in curiosity.

It was a dress, deep crimson in color, quite revealing at best - and exactly his size. A sly smile spread onto his lips, as his eyes scanned the red piece of clothing.


Caspian sat in front of a vanity table, adjusting the straps of the dress here and there constantly - not exactly an easy one to slip into. He gently put down a neatly decorated bag onto the slightly crooked table, and pulled out one of his many eyeshadow palettes. He could, of course, just put on his regular makeup, and change its color to fit the bigger picture - but what fun would that be? The Athos applied two shades of purple eyeshadow, and finished with a very dark, purple lipstick. He leaned back on his chair, eyeing his hair.

"That won't do", he muttered to himself, pushing his clawed fingers slowly through his wild, yet neat, bright turquoise mohawk. As if his claws were leaving a trail of color in his hair, they were followed by streaks of crimson that slowly spread to his whole head. The only thing the red left untouched, were the white streaks. Caspian sneered.


The Vampire didn't have any idea what was coming.

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