Prompt #1 | Introspective Journaling: "Write about how creative activities improve your mental health."

Published Dec 20, 2022, 1:21:04 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 20, 2022, 1:21:04 AM | Total Chapters 1

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Chapter 1: "Write about how creative activities improve your mental health."

     When I need something to refresh my passion and excitement I may: doodle in pen (harder to fuss over mistakes/its fun), write short stories or blurbs on character lore/interactions, listen to music and add them to character playlists, and more recently rp-ing has helped me work on my characters' personalities and its been fun to have them interact with others (Also gives me drawing ideas).

     Sometimes I just need to take a break from creative stuff though, especially when I've come up with too many ideas and them swirling around in my head makes it harder to focus on other tasks and feel calm. Watching animated movies and shows is nice, to see how characters move and how their expressions vary on personality, how they interact with others, and to see a story reach its conclusion. Playing video games is cool too, but unless it is something 1-player only, playing most games I used to enjoy can be depressing as I'm now alone.

     Creatively, my favorite things this year have been Deltarune, Wendall and Wild, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Don't Hug Me I'm Scared. I've also read(currently reading) a ton of cool webcomics, which are super inspiring for my own projects. (Want some recommendations lmk:))

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