PDARPG MISC: Crystal Wyrm - scenery route - 709 words

Chapter 6: Crystal Wyrm - scenery route - 709 words

2. Draw or write about your character trying to stop the boss without fighting it. Do they tie it down with ropes? Do they change the landscape of the Starsong Mountains to sing it to sleep?



Mycelia narrowed her gaze as she peered upwards. She wanted to help with this Crystal Wyrm, but...


Her tiny train of thought got effectively buried under the terror of something grabbing her. It was far from a gentle grip, that simply didn't know what to do with the fae. Mycelia hung upside down, that something clasping tight at the hem of her dress. Whatever it was, it could either fly, or it was very, very, very tall.


A high-pitched screeching from somewhere around the aerial kukuri's facial region drew Arcus' attention. She tugged one side of the crimson dove's chain reins gently.

"Mora," the wyfex huffed, "let me see what you have."


The kukuri turned her dark-hooded head to see her rider. The dove's pale eyes were widened with wonder and pride about her catch. Arcus tilted her head at the sight. Whatever that small thing was, it clearly wasn't happy. Such screaming and flailing around usually meant the opposite of glad, she had learned early on. The wyfex shifted the reins to one hand, and reached out her free, dominant one. "Give it here."


The dove was sometimes dumber than a half-brained goose, Arcus knew it - but she could've never even imagined that Morakniv was this brainless.


In an instant, the crimson kukuri dove downwards. Arcus pressed her ears against the back of her own neck, but not because of the birdbrained mount - the loudening shrieking of the small thing in Morakniv's jaws was grinding her gears worse than Icarus sometimes did. The wyfex pulled the chains in her hands, her frustration translating straight into the strength of that action. It sent the aerial menace twirling in the air like a flying spinning top, and all sense of direction blurred together like a soaking wet gouache painting.


Mycelia popped her head up, and the splotchy darkness made way to the surrounding light. Crystal dust sprinkled off her wide cap as she looked around. Things were still spinning, but only a little bit. The mushroom pixie pulled herself out of the bank of shimmering crystal dust, one limb at a time, until she was able to stand on her own two feet again. She dusted her dress a little, but an electric growl interrupted her.


Arcus spit a myriad of profanities over and over again, as she worked to get herself and her kukuri out of the dust. She didn't notice - nor did she have any interest towards - the small fae hopping over, driven by curiosity. The wyfex grabbed the aerial dove's feathered tail.

"Do that shit again," she growled as she pulled, "and I'll feed you to that damn hazed orthrus." Evidently, the kukuri hadn't considered that trying to flee from someone that was sitting on her back wasn't exactly that bright of an idea.


The fungus fae was aware that she wouldn't be able to help with such physical labor. She inspected the area they had plopped into - and it felt like her world was turned upside down for the second time, as the peaks of the Starsong Mountains sailed past lazily, like ships in nigh calm water.

Apparently, she had gotten up to the Wyrm - whether the means were anything she preferred, was a whole other thing. Not to mention how full of interruptions the day was. She did not like the way the tall, match-stick-looking thing was waving around a firearm. She ran to Arcus, waving her arms and shouting. The wyfex placed the barrel of her shotgun on her shoulder in firm anticipation.


"I won't let you fire that thing!" Mycelia screamed as loud as she could. She didn't know if she'd be heard or not - but the way the faceless being shook its head and growled, told her that she was heard, loud and clear.

"It won't go down with pets and pastries," the wyfex stated firmly.

"Violence is not the answer, either," Mycelia huffed back. She wasn't pleased with the dry chuckle she got as a reply.

"You must have a brilliant plan, then?"


The mushroom pixie opened her mouth at first, but promptly closed it. She tapped her chin in ponder.


Whatever the plan would be, she couldn't scheme alone - and the planning help up in the clouds was quite limited.

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