Tributes for Autumn: Tribute 2: Caretaker

Published Apr 18, 2023, 3:41:17 AM UTC | Last updated Apr 18, 2023, 3:41:17 AM | Total Chapters 3

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Tributes for Autumn

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Chapter 2: Tribute 2: Caretaker

"Hey Nans. You remember that Raptor we met for the silly competition we had?" Shiny Wings said out of the blue.

"Hmm? Yeah. He was funny. And that was a dirty trick making it a shiny competition. You have more shine than me of course you'd win!" She pouted. 

He just playfully glared at her. "Anyway he needs us to come help him watch a very.... well there is no exact nice way to say this but, we have to help him keep an eye on a absolute idiot of a bird. Apparently while catching a peacock he found a peaharpy and let it bite on him." He said.

"Wow ok yeah I can see why that little guy would need help. Let's go!" She said and flew off with him to the last place they had met the brown raptor. Upon arrival they could see that he had somehow managed to collar and leash a very loony looking Causa to a tree looking exhausted.

"Oh thank the gods that your here." He said relieved. "This is Elmer. Elmer has been dropped off by his rider so that his rider can go to market. Elmer is special and will poke things he is NOT allowed to so he is banned from the market." He said.

"So we just have to keep him from getting into trouble?" Banana said.

"Yes. We are his caretakers." Hayard said unamused.

Shiny walked around the Causa who just stared off into the distance wide eyed. Not a thought seemed to be behind them. "How hard can this be?" He said.

"You have no idea how hard it was to get THAT on him. He's like a corrupted Wisp. Impossible to keep pinned for long." He huffed. 

Elmer then stared at Shiny. "You look delicious. Can I lick your feathers?" He said in a soft yet very deranged voice.

Shiny took 5 steps back. "Ok yep this is gonna be a weird one." He said.

Elmer gave a deranged snicker then went back to staring.

"Weird bird." Banana said and settled by Hayard and nudged him. "How did you get roped into this anyway?" She asked.

Hayard huffed. "His rider and mine are friends." He muttered. "He's not dangerous just... him." He said. 

"So easily entertained as well?" Shiny said.

"Well yes I suppose. I gave him a rock to peck at for an hour. That kept his attention." He nodded.

Banana walked over to the crazy bird who looked at her.

"How do you shine?" He said. His big wide all seeing of the deranged eyes staring deep into her own.

"Er... I don't know? I just do?" She said awkwardly. This bird was strange but they were here to care for him so care for him they would. 

He stared for a while longer then nodded as if accepting that. He then pecked at one spot on the ground for no specific reason.

Shiny Wings sat close to Hayard watching Elmer unnerved. He didn't like the bird. He was to strange and weird and how does saying someone looked delicious count as harmless? The worst thing was the eyes. The eyes that saw to much yet nothing at all. He shuddered a bit. "So was he born this way or?" He asked wary.

"Xavis found him like that. So its unknown how long he's been this way." Hayard said as he watched Banana Face try and be friends with the weird bird. "He really is harmless though. He wouldn't hurt you. He just... doesn't think right? I think the delicious thing is him saying he likes you and wants to be pals?" He said.

Banana calmly placed a leaf on the crazy birds beak who then stared at it head tilting. He watched it fall then get placed back onto his beak again. This game kept him occupied for hours. It was really amusing actually to see how well this worked.

"He is a goofy thing. Entertained by something as simple as a leaf." Shiny said amused. He shook his head at how simple the bird was. He could see how Hayard would have struggled alone. Some birds only have so much patience for this.

"I mean he kept himself busy with the rock for a solid hour. So he's easy to care for but he wears you out more than you could ever imagine!" He laughed.

"Well once you get past the weirdness he's actually kind of sweet. Amusing. Weirdness has it's own certain charm really." Banana said placing the leaf right between Elmer's eyes who then cackled like a mad man. He laid on his side kicking his feet as he laughed. 

"I think you found the laugh trigger Nans." Shiny teased.

Hayard shook his head amused. "Gods he's a strange guy but this is quite funny." He chuckled. 

The three of them kept a close eye on the now resting Causa as the day drew on. Banana Face calmly watched laying by the sleeping weirdo while Hayard and Shiny Wings watched around guarding them. They enjoyed the quiet time waiting for the rider to come back. Hopefully soon. As much fun as this was it was getting late. How far was the market from this spot? It had been hours.

"Still can't believe you entertained him that long with a leaf." Shiny said.

"He's simple. Sometimes you got to appreciate the simple things to be happy. That's how he lives." She chuckled.

"He's a wingful but he makes his rider happy when he's not being a menace. That's all that matters." Hayard said.

They nodded and watched the hill. Finally after so long a little canine like creature walks over the horizon and over to them. "I take it you had to have help with him?" The beast teased.

"I met them. Spent a few hours helping them with a competition and then asked for their help with this. He's all yours." He said.

"Thanks for helping Hayard guys! Elmer come on it's time to go!" The canine said.

The bird immediately woke and looked at the canine. "Xavis. Good to see you. Did you get my treats?" He said.

"Yep! Time to go! Thank Hayard and the others for keeping an eye on you." He siad.

He nodded. "Thank you friends. May we meet again." He said slipped the leash in a second then took his rider off.

The three looked at each other and shook their heads. "Well me and Shiny better get home. Good to see you again Hayard." Banana said.

He smiled and nodded. "Stay safe." He said.

And off they flew.

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