Nyx's Talisman: The Dancer's Sickle: The Dancer's Sickle

Published Aug 23, 2023, 12:58:12 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 23, 2023, 12:58:12 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

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Chapter 1: The Dancer's Sickle

As a child, Nyx was always fascinated by both dance and music. They were constantly entranced in their mother’s performances at the local pub. No object could greater hold their attention than the sickle that their mother danced with. There may have been a time when the sickle had seen its fair share of battles, however the blade had long since dulled by the time Nyx could recall their earliest memory of it. This sickle had been a part of a pair and used to be passed down within their mother’s family, however one had been lost before Nyx’s mother came to possess it. Over the time their mother had it, she had tied ribbons and cords to the sickle’s hilt. These varied in cool colors from deep violets to the lightest blues, and emerald greens. When she wed Nyx’s father, she tied a section of her veil to it as well. The sheer silk was a sunset gold color and about 4 feet long, which she had embroidered stars on. Over the years, she added beads and small bells to the cords as mementos of her experiences and treasured journies. Nyx would always enjoy the stories of each bead and bell. When not in use, the cords and scarf would be wrapped around the entire sickle, handle and blade both. 

After their mother’s passing, Nyx’s sister, Mai, had taken possession of the sickle. Unbeknown to Nyx, Mai had restored the sickle to the best of her skills. Though the blade was still dull, it was no longer nearly as rusted. And the cords, beads, bells, and scarf were given back their colors and shine. Mai was never as fascinated by dance as Nyx was, so she was preparing the sickle for them. Mai went as far to add a few new cords for Nyx to adorn with beads and trinkets of their own. One cord in particular stands out, as she herself added a thin plate of tin that had been shaped as an elongated hexagonal. The center of the tin plate had an image that shifted and appeared to swirl as if it was unsure of what form it would take. (These plates will be the portal badges collected by Nyx on their journey. As they have not traveled through a portal yet, the first one is still a blank canvas. Mai will be including additional tin plates for Nyx to attach to the cords themself.)

On the day Nyx came of age and set off on their own, Mai gifted them the sickle. She knew their mother would’ve wanted Nyx to have it anyways, and Nyx would be able to show the sickle a better life dancing than she could with it sitting on a shelf. Words of encouragement and reassurance were all Mai could give, as any more would cause both the siblings to cry. Nyx always knew that their mother treasured the sickle, and was elated to have it as theirs. The sentimental value of each little bead was already immeasurable to Nyx, but now that their sister had worked so hard to restore it there was no way to put any kind of value to the item. Nyw would take a minute to admire the sickle and the new additions before performing a twirl that allowed all the trinkets to flutter in a waving spiral. The handle fit naturally in their hand, and that single spin made them feel like they were supposed to have been dancing with this sickle all along.

Over time Nyx would adapt their dances to almost always include their sickle, and would frequently spend downtime taking care of the item. In doing so, they would be able to add new beads for their journeys and reminisce over the beads their mother and sister had left on them. Along with Ash Wind, Nyx’s crow friend, this sickle would be of Nyx;s most cherished belongings. And would ensure to always have it with them at all times, usually tied to their waist in some way.

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