Flash and fight Luca list bell: Prompt 1 :

Published Oct 7, 2023, 10:24:03 PM UTC | Last updated Oct 7, 2023, 10:24:03 PM | Total Chapters 7

Story Summary

Flash battle gathers close the story of lusts struggle starts here . let's see how long she lasts with help of the few she's met so far .

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Chapter 1: Prompt 1 :

Write about your character with their significant other or someone they wish was. 100 words 



Lust wasn't one for long term love. Given her kind knows to love someone is to consume them and to love is to die. Though she has made that mistake twice before losing her wings the first time. The second time gaining a scar to the ribs her love dieing both times in events she caused to move forward. And now a third time she's met her love of the past perhaps she'll learn her lesson Properly . Though she doubts it given she sits now on the floor curled around the woman that could easily claim her death twice over and bring her back too.   

" please don't love me. I'm not ready to lose you again" she whispers into the short hair she hides her face into 





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