As Night Falls: Moonlight Grove

Published Oct 13, 2023, 3:58:55 PM UTC | Last updated Oct 13, 2023, 3:58:55 PM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

Dirge prefers to be out when the world is quiet and the living usually rest.

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Characters in this Chapter

Dirge Dragons of Aquella 🧑🏽 #aq701
504 total points
13 approved points


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Chapter 2: Moonlight Grove

Prompt: Sprite

Word Count: 235


They existed as spirals on his body during the day, growing on the piebald patches. Beautiful still, despite not being in bloom. But much like Dirge and the ghosts and wisps he keeps the company of, they shine at night. The toothed singer wasn’t sure when these plants took to him or why they decided to become one with his being. But he enjoyed their company.

He had already once preferred to be out at night. But as he got older, as the flowers took over his body, he found the daylight to become more intolerable. Being out and bathing in the moonlight was no longer a preference- it was required.

At first, Dirge felt melancholy when the forest chose him. It felt like he lost something. And he did. As the forest grew within him, he lost some of his will. It imbued him with a compulsion to protect it on the full moon nights when it could be sought and perceived by others. Not all come seeking this grove with benevolent intent. So the grove needed Dirge.

As he grew, he became content. Dirge had realized the forest had given his wandering soul purpose. He surfaced, drawing in the night air. And as the moonlight bathed his flowers, they unfurled. They were moon flowers- or at least appeared as such. They were beautiful on his body, and his body was beautiful holding them.


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