Z'ariel's Home: The OId Shop

Published Nov 25, 2023, 4:47:34 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 25, 2023, 4:47:34 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

A description of where Z'ariel likes to rest between portals and how he spends his quiet days. Prompt #50.

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Z'ariel PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2037
5 total points
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Chapter NaN: The OId Shop

Z'ariel own a small jewelry store that he likes to rest at between exploring the worlds offered by portals. The outside is quite unassuming, made up of mostly wood with a brick trim around the bottom floor. The roof is tiled with reddish-brown tiles, and just by looking at their slightly different colours it's obvious to see it has been patched quite a few times.The skinny building has very few small windows. The upper floor windows have flower boxes attached to the windowsills, however they are filled with only dirt and a few blades of wild grasses that have made their way up there. A wooden sign with a drawing of a necklace etched into it rests above the bright red door to the store. The ground floor consists of his workshop and the store both put into the same long but narrow room. Visitors of the shop can always see Z'ariel sitting at the back of the room working on some piece of jewellery. The walls are lined with shelves and drawers which are filled with beads, crystals, various colours of string, as well as a multitude of different metals wires. The hardwood flooring is mostly covered by a shaggy green rug and the cream wallpaper is peeling slightly, although Z'ariel doesn't mind. The curtains on the two windows at the front of the store are usually drawn and instead many lamps and candles are used to light the interior. His workbench is made of a dark wood, and while it isn't too fancy Z'ariel cherishes it deeply as it's the same table that he always saw his mom working at when he was younger. It's kept tidy in between projects, but when he's working on something it's often littered with materials. Upstairs is where the main living area is. A small bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen. Z'ariel's bedroom is a sorry sight, with no real decorations put up on the walls. The simple bed has a mountain of blankets on it and the only other indication of the bedroom being in use are the box of keepsakes under the bed and the tray of earrings on the wooden crate he uses as a nightstand. The kitchen counters are painted a similar shade of green to the downstairs carpet, however the paint is clearly peeling at the corners. The appliances are quite old, but still functional so Z'ariel refuses to replace them until they kick the bucket. The fridge is often empty, and he instead sustains himself on mostly canned food and bread which are stored in a few of the cabinets. The other shelves are filled with mismatched cups, plates, and bowls that his mother had lovingly collected over the course of her life. A small table sits against the free wall of the kitchen with only two chairs accompanying it. Z'ariel doesn't enjoy eating at home, and so whenever he decides to do so he has to take the time to wipe a generous layer of dust off of the counters and stove; however, the dishes are always kept in pristine condition. 

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  • Nov 25, 2023, 3:56:19 PM UTC
    Wow, I love this! I love how descriptive it is so I can picture it in my head!! ❤️