This is really weird...: Preparations

Published Nov 28, 2023, 11:13:23 PM UTC | Last updated Nov 28, 2023, 11:13:23 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

3. You arrive home. The guest you ordered the present for is due to arrive soon. It's time to spruce up your place and yourself for the visit. Draw or write about your character preparing for your guest's visit. Do they put on a fancy outfit? Or an obnoxiously holiday themed one? Do they bake something delicious? Do they hang mistletoe? Do they notice things nearby where they set the gift... disappearing?

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Characters in this Chapter

Noteii PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2941
200 total points
5 approved points


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Chapter 1: Preparations

Oh golly gee it's almost Christmas! After navigating hours of horrible holiday traffic, Noteii has finally arrrived home.

Noteii planned to have a certian someone come over for the holidays. Who is that certain someone? A friendly little bird named Chirpy of course! Chirpy always greeted him every morning! Of course Noteii should invite Chirpy! (Noteii was never really the type for social interaction, so don't question him inviting a bird over) 

Placing Chirpy's present on the dining table beside a vase full of flowers, Noteii decided he would bake some birdseed cookies for Chirpy! How bad could that possibly be?

Noteii placed a bowl on the table. It's a good thing he remembers how to make cookies.

first goes in the flour.

Then the eggs.

Then the milk and-

Noteii looked at the present. The vase beside it disappeared as well as the flowers... huh? That wasn't right.. was this the present's doing? Did that strange caretaker sneak something into the present that caused this? No! That can't be! 

Noteii's face switched to a confused one.. and then to a more calm face. Why should he worry about a vase? This'll probably be the only time this happens.



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