Soulas - Combat Compendium: The first official battle - Slime

Published Dec 2, 2023, 5:02:05 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 2, 2023, 5:02:05 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

A simple compendium with all of Soulas' attacks and combats (only counting Solocast)

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Luck PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3618
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Chapter NaN: The first official battle - Slime

  1. Draw or write about your character fighting the boss!


Soulas stepped out of the shimmering portal, surrounded by crackling residual energy as he set foot on the grassy terrain. The soft grass beneath his boots crunched delicately as he traversed the natural landscape, while his respirator allowed him to breathe in the fresh air around him as his latent powers rushed through his veins, eager to be unleashed. He had been experimenting with his sky powers for a few weeks now, having used the Elemensha stone, and was confident of the power it could produce. But now, he had come to this location with a single purpose - to test his abilities against the simplest foe around.

With a focused gaze, Soulas surveyed the tranquil surroundings, his eyes fixing upon a simple slime creature leisurely traversing the terrain. The creature remained oblivious to his presence, a perfect test dummy. He inhaled deeply, Soulas respirator working to take the air around him to his broken and infected lugs, which did their part by weaponizing this simple act, with his respirator exhaling a dark green cloud of poisonous gas. Applying his powers, Soulas manipulated, condensed, and shaped the toxic gas into a compact orb, akin to a marble, and prepared to fire at the still-unsuspecting slime. He positioned the marble at the tip of his claw, unleashing it with a subtle flick - something like a magical finger gun. The impact was something to behold - as the orb hit the slime, it rapidly decompressed, shattering it into a million pieces like glass.

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