The Letters of Callisto and Tethys: The first letter recovered; early/mid journey

Published Dec 3, 2023, 12:07:46 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 3, 2023, 12:07:46 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

A series of unrecieved letters written by the former Librarian, Callisto, and Callisto's partner, Tethys, during Callisto's  expedition up the river systems.

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Callisto Dragons of Aquella 🧑🏽 #aq365
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Chapter 1: The first letter recovered; early/mid journey

As you may remember from our previous letters, I'm still heading East...I think. I'm not too familiar with this region or river system, but my plasma is coming in use for light, as it often does. Thanks to the seasons, it’s darker here quite early. I know this isn’t unusual, per se, but it’s definitely startling when compared to our deep home where the darkness doesn’t make any difference.  It's different here, as I expected, although the water has, thank Kalea, remained cold and comfortable to move through. The noises here are different and I'm missing you deeply. I keep thinking I'm seeing something out of the corner of my eye, but there’s never anything there when I look. I’ve followed the river through tundra and forests now. It’s interesting to see that the earth remains frozen, even though it has yet to snow since my arrival. I wish I had your strength behind me, not just as my lover, but as my deepest friend and strongest contact.

Loving embraces,

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