Ruthless Love: Part One of One ^_^

Published Apr 18, 2004, 2:21:18 PM UTC | Last updated Apr 18, 2004, 2:21:18 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Bulma awakens in a tricky situation in which Vegeta calls all the shots.

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Chapter NaN: Part One of One ^_^

Bulma awoke to the sound dripping water. Drip...drip...drip...drip... Her blue eyes fluttered open. She blinked, thinking the darkness would clear. Her eyes focused and the darkness remained. She tried to raise her self up. The clanging of metal to metal met her ears. Metal shackles attached to chains bound her wrists and ankles a cold stone slab beneath her. I’m trapped! Bulma pulled at her restraints futilely. Her struggling echoed in the darkness. She stopped, tears flooding her eyes, confused and cold. She took a deep breath, coming to her senses and staring defiantly out in to the dark. She took another deep breath." Help!" She cried. " Anyone! Help please!" She waited, letting her voice echo in to silence. Terror swelled in her chest, tears threatening again. Bulma grimaced.

" Help, dammit! Woo-hoo, damsel in distress!" She waited again, pulling at the shackles around her wrists. Drip...drip...drip...drip... She let out an exasperated sigh, wriggling her shackles as if to shake them apart. The darkness was playing at her nerve. She soon began to sob quietly. " What’s...going on...?" She didn’t remember how she got here. She had not recollection that anyone was close to help her. She twisted uncomfortably. Bulma couldn’t understand why she was so cold. She began to shiver. There was no sense of time in the perpetual dark. It seemed hours had passed before she anything besides her own breath and the incessant wet dripping noise. Bulma began to fall asleep. Her eyes grew heavy.

Her eyes shot open and she looked around seeing nothing but the darkness. Drip....drip-click....drip-click....CLICK.... Footsteps?! Something began to stand apart from the blackness. She squinted. Her eyes desperately drank in what she saw. Light! A smile creased her lips a dull glow grew brighter and closer.
Bulma cried out gleefully. " Hello? I’m in me!" Silence answered her.
" In here, can you hear me?" More silence. The footsteps drew closer still along with the eerie glow. A dank chamber was beginning to take shape around her. The corroding walls glistened with moister and moss. A broad portal to her left held the precious light that drew nearer still. There seemed to be no other entrance to this prison. Why aren’t they answering my calls? Perhaps, Bulma realized, because they are the ones that put me here? Her heart began to thump madly in her chest. She regarded her self in the dimness and realized the reason she felt cold was that she was naked! Her breathes came in short ragged gasps. Oh no! Oh no! She looked left and right, as if to escape and hide from the owner of those footsteps. Her eyes were glistering with tears.

She glanced at the ever brightening corridor to her left. The foot steps were now upon her and a shadow crept across the stone floor. Bulma closed her eyes tight as a figure emerged from the corridor. She waited, her eyes shut. She heard someone moving about the chamber. Behind closed lids she sensed the lighting of the room grow brighter. A devious chuckle echoed softly in the chamber. She was terrified to open her eyes. Of a sudden she felt a warm hand rest on her belly. She let loose a loud shriek. Her eyes went wide with fright "Vegeta!"
He smirked at her. " In the flesh."
Her frightful expression quickly turned angry which was followed by a wave of embarrassment of which turned her skin pink.
" Let me out of the chains," she demanded. " Where are my clothes? Let me go! I mean it! Vegeta! I’ll never forgive you for this!" He cocked his head back and laughed at her. " I don’t want your forgiveness, woman."
Bulma gasped. " What...w-hat do you want?" Vegeta walked around the stone alter that she was shackled to, regarding her curves closely. Bulma glared at him, pressing her thighs together nervously.
" That’s for you to find out." He informed her. He turned away from her. She noted he was not wearing his usual Saiyan battle gear. He wore a simple white gi. He approached the chamber entrance turned to face her then with his trade mark sneer he muttered." Shall I free you of those nasty chains?"
Bulma fumed. " I should say so!"
He pressed a hidden switch on the mossy wall and the shackles clicked open. Bulma lay still for a moment, then sat up, covering her bare breasts. She hopped to the cold stone floor. Her bare feet slapped lightly. Her eyes shot towards a possible escape. She looked to the devious Saiyan prince and to her escape, and made a mad dash for it. Vegeta stood his ground. Another switch clicked and a great stone door swung up in Bulma’s face. She screamed, slid to a halt, then fell on her rear with a slap. She gazed up at Vegeta in despair. His face was eerily indifferent. Her rear was aching and she was frightened beyond measure. She looked away quickly. He crossed his arms. " Leaving isn’t that simple." he said. There was a moment of silence. Bulma looked up catching his intense stare. Vegeta glared back noting the flicker of contempt in her eyes. Bulma lowered her face and huddled in to ball and began crying quietly. He let her cry for a moment, then snatched her up by the wrist. She yelped in surprise and pain then staggered after him.
He lead her towards the opposite wall of the chamber. He raised a hand and pressed another hidden panel. The wall parted to reveal a stair case leading up. Vegeta glanced at Bulma, then proceeded to lead her up a winding staircase. It was rather dark on the way up, and she stumbled occasionally. She sensed a moment when Vegeta’s grip on her wrist slackened. She swiftly tried to jerk her arm free. His vice like grip quickly returned, and she cried out in pain crumpling at his feet. Bulma whimpered. " You’re hurting me!"
Vegeta grumbled irritably. " Not yet! But try that again, and I will!" She was jerked back on her feet and they continued the dark climb up the stairs. When they crested the stairs a short hallway lead to a door. Vegeta pushed it open to reveal a more pleasant chamber than the one below. This immense chamber was domed and its walls were covered with tapestries. The polished marble floor was cold under foot, but at the center of the circular room was a gathering of pillows and furs. The immense chamber was lit with a few well placed oil lamps. No windows. Bulma marveled for a moment before Vegeta spun her around and shoved her to his feet. She fell back on a pile of pillows. She looked up at him with frightened blue eyes. He returned her stare with a hard expression.
" Now." He said, his voice commanding.
" Wha…" She began trembling.
Vegeta knelt down in front of her, and placed a hand over her mouth. He shook his head slowly, coaxing her to silence. He moved closer, positioning himself between her supple thighs. He pressed her shoulder back to the soft cushion of pillows at her back. She resisted, her mouth trembling to speak. He regarded her, catching the tear that tumbled from her right eye with his thumb. With that gentle gesture Bulma’s racing heart calmed somewhat. He lifted her head a bit, tilting her chin. Bulma was trembling uncontrollably. She stared at the ceiling unsure of how to react. She gasped silently as Vegeta pressed close and pressed his lips to the smooth skin of her throat. His hands had found her breasts as well, and applied a gentle pressure. She closed her eyes, stunned and strangely aroused by this.

Vegeta lifted his head, and looked over her. She stared boldly in to his dark eyes for a moment. Her heart was thumping in her chest, yet now for a different reason. He slipped his arms out of his shirt and let it crumple to his side. He regarded her once more as his hands explored the curve of her hip and the rise of her belly. " Beautiful." He breathed lost in his own thoughts. Her cheeks reddened. A tender smile soon creased his lips. Bulma’s brow rose. She was quite sure it was a smile. She suddenly realized she not once seen Vegeta smile in such a manner. Bulma stared in to Vegeta’s eyes frightened, yet intrigued. The smile was still there and he was looking her ever so genuinely.

Her heart melted, and her fear of him dissipated with each passing moment. A satisfied look came over the Saiyan’s face. He propped himself on one arm and let his finger draw an invisible line down from her collar bone, down between her breasts, over her navel, and lower still. Bulma did not protest. She bit her lip, feeling him caress the warmth between her thighs. An vexing wave of pleasure caught her by surprise. She gasped quietly. Bulma suddenly felt a surge of eagerness engulf her. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her. She caressed his chest, kissing his neck and the taught muscles on his shoulder. Vegeta grinned victoriously. It was now Bulma’s hands that explored tantalizing in every taut muscle beneath his warm smooth skin. Vegeta felt his arousal stiffening agreeably. He pushed her down in to the pillows beneath her, and kissed her on the mouth, deepening the kiss as he went. Vegeta drew away from her for only a moment and did away with the rest of his clothing. Bulma lay there pressing her thighs together wantonly. His ears tingled hotly. Vegeta’s skin seemed to be on fire. No more waiting.

He grabbed Bulma’s thighs and pressed his hips to hers. Bulma moaned pleasingly, arching her back in response. Her legs wrapped around his waist. She held on to him as his body moved rhythmically atop her. He leaned close, pressing his chest to her soft bosom, groaning pleasurably. She drew her fingers across his back and along his spine then in to his dark hair as she spoke in his ear. "Oh...god." she breathed. Emotions, sounds and sensations swam in Vegeta’s mind. He closed his eyes, bringing his other acute senses to bear. The sweet scent of her femininity filled his nostrils. Her rapidly beating heart was like thunder to his acute ears. That of which was punctuated by her wanton whimpers and moans. Her lithe body was electric, writhing beneath him bringing him closer...closer... He grit his teeth willing his eager loins to endure. Bulma moaned breathlessly. She gripped the soft pillows beneath her. A sheen of sweat covered them both. Heated bodies met over and over again. . She brought her arms up and pressed her nails in to his back. She implored him, panting for more. Vegeta quickened his pace, his muscular body tensed. Bulma cried out, writhing beneath him in ecstasy. Vegeta groaned. He took handfuls of her hair. An erotic brutish nature came over him. Bulma let out an astonished sigh. Bulma‘s cries intensified. " Oh, God...oh, God...oh, God!"
He growled at her, tightening the grip on her cerulean hair as he spoke gutturally..
" This has nothing to do with....GOD!" Bulma was too mesmerized to disagree. She thrashed, her body responding, her back arched. He snarled at her making the hairs on her skin prickle. She listening to the sound of his breathes. She wanted to hold him, and immerse herself in his animalistic masculinity. Her hands ran along the rippling muscles of his back. She was drinking it as if it were a drug. She muttered his name breathlessly. Vegeta breathed sharply through clenched teeth. He then threw his head back groaning. He lifted a hand and made a fist then slammed it down with lightening speed and deadly force right beside Bulma’s head. Her eyes went wide with fear as she heard the marble beneath the furs crack loudly. He groaned deeply. There was no danger, but she was startled nonetheless. He was breathing hard. She smiled at him, and caressed his face now pressed to hers. She closed her eyes to kiss him, but their lips never met. Huh? Bulma blinked, but there was darkness. Bulma sat up right and looked around. " My room," she whispered.! Just then her Capsule Corp. alarm clock began ringing. Bulma jumped. " What the hell?!" She slapped the clock to stop its ringing.!

The door bell was ringing! She hopped out of bed and ran towards the front door of her capsule house. She swung the door open. Sunlight stung her sleepy eyes. She looked out in to the day light, but saw no one. She looked down. " Krillin?!"
He paused, embarrassed. " Uh, Bulma you’re in your underwear." She grinned nervously.
" Oh!" She hide behind the door. " What are you doing here?"
Krillin smiled. " You said if any dragon balls were detected to come get to right away. Look!" Krillin held out the dragon radar in he hand. " There’s one about fifty miles from here.! "She nodded and smiled. " Great! Let me get dressed!"
" Okay, Bulma, Gohan and I will be waiting over the hill." Krillin strolled away. Bulma slammed the door and turned to her empty capsule home. She rubbed her head as a head ache surfaced. She walked wearily to her kitchen and set some coffee to boil.
" I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus." She wondered back to her room. She sat on the edge of her bed staring sleepily at the floor. Bulma’s skin flushed. The memory of her dream came flooding back to her. She made a face, perplexed. " Vegeta?" She shook her head and glanced at the book on her night stand. She picked up the novel and read the title: Ruthless: A Tale of Two Lovers. She sighed. Bulma glanced over at the teddy bear sitting on her pillow and grinned. " Remind me to stay away from those saucy romance novels before bed time, kay?"

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