How lily meet Sesshomaru: Fun with Sesshomaru

Published Jun 21, 2005, 11:23:54 PM UTC | Last updated Jan 18, 2006, 11:39:08 PM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

A girl name lily moves to japan from america to live with her cousin and ends up going with to the past where she meets the man of her dreams

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Chapter 4: Fun with Sesshomaru

When we reached the well door, Kagome turned around, "Are you sure, you want to come with us?"..."Yes; for the last time, I want to see history and not just read about it okay?"... "Fine!" She slid open the door and we all walked. Inuyasha closed the door behind us, as we started down the stairs to the well. "How does this work?"...."Well you just jump down it, with me and Inuyasha holding your hands,k?"We stepped forward and jumped into the well. We were surrounded by lights that to me looked like the Northern Lights at the North Pole. All of a sudden I feel hard ground under my feet, when I look up, no roof just blue sky. Oh yea, the War and States Era. Inuyasha first helped Kagome out, then came back down and gabbed me. When we landed I looked around me, all that came to me was how beautiful and peaceful it was. My thoughts were intrupted when Kagome says, "This way to Kaede's Village!" Started after them and keep my senses open to what was around me. Upon entering the village, I could tell that they were used to the way Kagome was dressed. As we were walking towards a hut a red ball of fluff came bounding out the door. "KAGOME YOU CAME BACK LIKE YOU PROMISED!"..."Yes, I did and guess what I brought Chocolates too." ..."Goody!" I just had to ask him, "Hey there Shippo, My name is Lily, I am Kagomes Cousin. I have a question if you open a magic shop what would you call it??"..."Um I think, FOX MAGIC AND SACRED ARROWS, why??"...."Lets just say that I know you when you are older in our time, and leave it at that." He just smiled at me and saided hi back. He is such a cutie. All the sudden out of no where a silver blur appeared and came to a stop infront of me. "Excuse me, do you mind, I am walking here. Could you please move that big ass of yours?"..."What did you say winch?"..."Wait, Is your name Sesshomaru, Inuyasha full demon half brother the one I was told to watch out for, because he could break me three ways from sunday?"..."Yes, I am Sesshomaru Lord of The Western Lands and you should fear for your life, filthy human!!"...."What ever, Inuyasha, He is joking right? This can't be him, is it?"..."Yea, that's him, Sesshomaru!"..."Disappointing!!"..."And here I thought I would be quaking in my sandles and I all I want to do is sit and drink tea!"..."What did you say winch?"..."I SAID THAT I WAS DISAPPOINTED, CAUSE I THINK MY BUNNY SLIPPERS JUST RAN FOR COVER. SO MR BIG AND BAD, MOVE YOUR ASS CAUSE YOU DON'T SCARE ME SO,MOVE BEFORE I MAKE YOU!!" After that was said he tried to grabbed my throat, but i was quick and jumped out of the way. "Like I said to your half brother, KEEP THOSE BLOOD SOAKED CLAW OFF ME , JACKASS, CAUSE I COULD CARE LESS WHO YOU ARE ANYMORE, GOT ME?" All I can say is that Inuyasha looked stunded and Kagome could only shake her head. I noticed something metal heading for me and I drew my sword. "Thought that I was a helpless Woman huh. Sad cause i'm not!" We fought for a good 10 minutes and I still was not tired, I was just starting to break a sweat. "You are quite a good fighter, where did you learn to fight?"... "I learn how at a shrine." I think that for him to admit that hurt his pride, cause he faked a hit, came up behind me and knocked me unconcious. When I came back to the world or the living, I found my self in a very big bed in a huge room. "Who are you?" When I looked a round a found a little girl playing with some toys on the floor. "My name is Lily, may I inquire what your name is little one?"..."My name is, Rin, pleased to meet you." I was amazed at how well mannered the girl was. "Where am I ?"..."You are at Lord Sesshomaru's Castle in the western lands." Great, now
I have to find a way out of here and back to Inuyasha and Kagome. "Don't even think about trying to escape if i was you!!" I looked up and what I saw standing my the door was a half naked Sesshomaru, he looks hot like that. Bad Lily, master would not be pleased. "Who said that is what i was thinking about anyways, maybe I was thinking of a way to get you into bed with me. Ever think of that?"... "That could easily be fixed!"..."Wait, I don't like easy men, momma warned me about them. Nothing but trouble and will sleep with anything that walks the earth. So going to have to say naw!" That pissed him off, cause he told the girl to go and find someone named Jaken, I think. "I am going to teach you, where your place is in this home!"..."Bring it on!!" Before I could even blink he was on top of me, starting to rip my cloths off of me. I hope he doesn't think that i would let him be in charge, now did he? I flipped it so that I was on top and totally ripped his pants off, no untieing or anything just grabbed and riped right down the middle. Wow, had no clue that guys back here, went comando. Totally turned me on, easy access my kind of guy. I sit straight up on his stomach and start to take off my bra. When that is done, I get off of him and slowly start to take my pants and undergarments off. Right now, I probably look like a whore, but at the moment i could careless, he is hot what else to say. I slowly crawl back on top and kiss him on the mouth. I work my way to his jaw, then to his neck and finally his nipples. Hey, what can I say, I am a virgin but it is not like I have never watched a porn or talked with friends about it come on. He flipped us back so that he was on top and started to play with my boobs, for like a minute then positioned himself, I stopped him. "I refuse to go anyfarther unless you plan to mate with me, other wise i will make you a uniqe if you do?" All I know is this white hot pain in my lower reigins and my neck, I guess that answered my question. " You are mine now, no other will touch you, do you understand you belong to me?"...."I am yours, NOW MOVE, or get out and i will finish it myself!" We went at it like jack rabbits the rest of the night. In the morning i did not dare try and move. It is not like what they say, It only hurt for a little bit when your cherry is popped, bull shit, it hurt like a bitch. I think, I need to get back to Inuyasha and Kagome before they go and do something stupid.

To be continues

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